Soo.. He decided to apply to |WM|. Cool!
Let me tell you someting about this guy..
He was a 4U Cadet. Playing in SH server. Several guys from PG spotted him using Wallhack. They reported him to 1 of the Managers in 4U clan.
This manager started a conversation with Speedycort. Told him he would need UAC. Especially in the future if someone would ask him to join!
Apparently.. Of some reason Speedy kinda snatched him off by saying thigs like "Son of a bitch" and "Asshole." Even though this manager didn't accuse him and he didn't say anytihng bad about Speedy. Still Speedy was aggressive towards him. Don't even know the reason why today.. After that convo they had.. Speedy left clan..! (Before he got kicked lol.)
Wonderer what happend there..!
So.. 3 PGs spotted him using Wallhack in SH server, he rages back to an innocent 4U manager who didn't do a single thing except tried to help Speedy and at the end he left clan. Hmm sounds suspicious to me!
+ Also lately I've heard several guys saying he is using wallhack. (I've personally never seen it. But they are trustful guys who said it.)
So you might keep an eye on this guy!
See you around!
Added: PS. Note.. I am not personally saying he is cheating. Cuz I don't know. I am just saying what I've heard!