Truth about pro-skilled HoonY *KITTY*

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nevermind bodh am sorry if u got that wrong. my personal note is of course NOT that cheating is ok, nor do i tolerate it. that was just regadring to hoon and i wasnt fanboy'ing him for that he maybe kept it secret for so long but i was about to say that i dont think so.

btw i want to fight.
nevermind bodh am sorry if u got that wrong. my personal note is of course NOT that cheating is ok, nor do i tolerate it. that was just regadring to hoon and i wasnt fanboy'ing him for that he maybe kept it secret for so long but i was about to say that i dont think so.

btw i want to fight.

Hahhaha it's okay pille. But you should know that I am 201 cm tall, my weight is 95 kg and I am just 1.5 hours away from you. :D
well, iam from the RUHRPOTT so i know how to fight cunts :< by the way iam 1,95cm tall and my weight is 85 kilo :P could be rude :D .

i would like to see beanie vs missy to be honest....
After a little break I joined our promode server today...and guess who was playing... Hoony under nick Hello Kitty !

Why this cheater is not yet banned there ? Pls ban him asap !
i remeber he wasnt banned at first and i remeber sabbath already complained abt it...
u know wwhat they say, better late than never!
hmmmm last times as i say he is not clean nobody belive me.

remember my eyes see all hax!!!

ban sound :D
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