Truth about pro-skilled HoonY *KITTY*

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ROFL Panda since long time I didnt read bigger crap than your post. Nobody deny he isnt skilled. There is a lot of type of cheaters. Some of them are low noobs some has big knowledge about game and even without cheats still stay very good players, Kity belong to that second group but he cant hadle defeat so still he help yourself wh. I dont give a shit that he played against skilled clans since he cheating on public, while fun wars. Actually all those fun wars, wins is nothing worth cause he cheated. He cheated all around , team mates and he spoil game everybody who play against him but since he is skilled I guess you will let him make poo on table.
Tell me how pathetic you need to be to use hacks in video game ?
See this is why I always say, DO NOT ALLOW MIXERS TO WEAR OUR TAG.. When I first saw him I asked if he's cheating to one of our members ( don't remember who) and he said no, no way etc. so I didn't really doubt his judgment because he was somebody I thought would recognise a cheater 100%.. either way I'm disappointed in Hoony, thought he's a better guy than to use dumb cheats :) but ye, my point is:

- never trust other people's judgment because nobody can be 100%
cant believe it... fkcin cheaters , i dont mind if he is a funny guy, or skill guy, or whatelse... he was killing us in game with cheats , i hate those fckin cheaters
Please also ban that guy on all WM servers.

btw: He delete that screen shot and hide his xfire details. What a low :D
if you need cheats to win ur low end story, i dont heve respect for cheaters and hackers
be fine with me not posting that 3 sites i wrote yesterday night. btw i wasnt talking about you when i said "douche" so need to be sad

I was the only one til that point who claimed to have suspected him. And as I mentioned, keep it coming. You feel the need to say anything? Don't hold it back, that's not healthy, you know.
Lol, I don't want to fight. I just want to put things right. And I want to be sure that I didn't join a clan that is somewhat lah-di-dah about cheaters.
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