I am permabanned on your server by Ruy.

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Obviously, its you who cannot talk with ppl without offence.

So what's now?

1. If you were banned for 60min for wh, means low ranked admin couldnt permban you, so you only wait for permban by higher admin.
2. that retard who banned you only finished process of perm baning you coz of your behavevior obviously

So what's now?

Me and some admins tought you are dodgy and knowing right where someone is.I understand sound im soundwhore too,but you knew where some people are without them making a sound and aiming right to the spot where they are.Btw I banned you for 60 mins,and didnt report for perm ban,becouse i decided that more admins must spect you to comfirm my suspisions.And yes when you disrespecting admins and players on WM servers,expect to be perm banned.
I got almost all demos of me playing on your server. You can look at them if you want. But i think you will not. Isn't it?
Btw if a guy started talking with me like i am piece of dog's shit, riding up, telling me that he has god's powers and i am just a low pubber. What should i reply then?
And finally if i am using uav better than everyone else then why am i hacker? I am always talking with people correctly. Without racism, bad words and same. But today your admin made me really mad. What should i say? Sorry please? Or what?
Anyway i don't want to be banned on your server. If you, guys think that i am waller i can give proofs that i am not. If you don't need them, then i don't know what to say more. Sorry Ruy for complaining? Okay. "Ruy, sorry for complaining". I will not do same mistake. I will respect server rules and admins.
MiriamTool said:
Btw if a guy started talking with me like i am piece of dog's shit, riding up, telling me that he has god's powers and i am just a low pubber. What should i reply then?
I don't recall Ryu talking like this to you? SounD even said that consider it as a warning.

I was this "retard" who permanently banned you. I saw this in log:
2014-03-05 19:24:51 idrizi@Hardcore: pb_sv_kick 3 60 "wh" //Username=r.M |MiriamTool IP= (RU)
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Oh...then i need to say "Sorry" for everything i said. If i was banned not because of "bad talking" then it changes situation! I gave some demos. Hope you will check them! Sorry for everything bad i said... I thought it was Ruy's rash decision.
Hahaha I see Ceeee not calmed after locking almost every topic here. He want something bigger. :D Bigger size of work for his ''closing-fetish'' See something suspicious - BAN IT. :D
SkandalisT said:
Hahaha I see Ceeee not calmed after locking almost every topic here. He want something bigger. :D Bigger size of work for his ''closing-fetish'' See something suspicious - BAN IT. :D
I think you're quite retarded.

Locked 2-3 of your spam topics. Banned this guy because he was reported by our admin. Do you understand what I've done there or do I have to really hyphenate it to you in here?
so much hate for nothing dude ^^ i didn't banned you.

i told you that if u have some complain to do, you should do it in the forum at the "server appeal" section, not ingame, i won't spend time answering to a pubber while i got my admin job to do, but i m willing to answer on the forum.

i did not disrespect you in any way, that just wasn't the place to discuss about a ban.

then C banned u and u went mad on me. but well that was pretty funny, so no hard feelings,

cheers ;)

edit : my name is Ryu, not ruy bro :D
Ryu, sorry me for being mad! I am happy that problem resolved! I realized that I don't need to take fast decisions ;)

My hate-machine is now officially "turned off" >:3
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