I am permabanned on your server by Ruy.

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i become such a cunt these days man, i started conversation u start bitchin i just reply,and there was fuck this fuck that bla bla, u say it like u mean it and fuck that,...Ceee banned u not Ruy :D :DDDDDDDDDDD
Ceeee said:
I think you're quite retarded.

Locked 2-3 of your spam topics. Banned this guy because he was reported by our admin. Do you understand what I've done there or do I have to really hyphenate it to you in here?
I think it's you not really understand, that I'm just having fun of you. Learn what is self-irony. Gosh..
And I dont really need a reason for joke and a bit laugh. Even if a reason is stupid. I know what is admin job, I did it for several years and did good, so yea, no need to explain me. If you can't see the stupid joke, I won't do them to you, but dont fcking namecall me.
Idrizi deleted the report from our forum and was talking about some other admins need to spectate you as well. When he verifies this in here, you'll get unbanned.
I uploaded demo's correctly. You just need to click download button (without using download manager. There is a tick which you don't need)
The demos are pretty much invalid. They are from 3 different servers and its only a few rounds that is being shown and its impossible to tell if its 5 rounds in a row or just 5 random rounds on the map.

Sometimes the recording just begins in the middle of the map and it just shows you dying 3 seconds later and ends.

There are also demos missing.

Like i have demo 15 16 17 then it jumps to 19. What happened to the others?

So nothing has changed for me.
As i said i got 26 last recorded demos. 4 of them are from close game where i am training jumps. 22 more i uploaded. If i got nice moment's i am immediately renaming my demos. So if you see 17 then 19 it means that 18th is renamed. So what can i do now? I gave all last demos i recorded. Because when i entered your server you banned me and i have no chance to record sth or even play on it.
Ceeee said that whenever Idrizi shows up and verify the that the ban record was deleted then you will get unbanned.

My opinion on the demos dosnt effect anything unless i spotted hacks on them which i didnt.
Btw. Do you really think that i need to record every round i am playing? I think not. That's why i don't have much demos. I am recording only to catch some nice moments if i don't have them i am deleting demos and starting recording more, because if i have much of them in my folder and i start to record my game freezes for 5-6 seconds. I hate when this happens.
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