well what i was trying to say is that obito, ceeee, miss, ice, random, jakob, sound, warlord and few others know what promod is, they can judge on people skillz & hacks, recognize a good player and a hacker. I m suspecting anyone by nature and i m watching people a long time before respecting them, particularly members.
Lemonade for example is not accused by these people about hacking, nor alex or obito, cause we know they are skilled guys. But its impossible for these people to get WM cause u guys are clueless and base ur judgment on things out of the game.
i wouldn't play promod without these guys cause they are the skill of our server. That's their cam ur watching when ur dead and they are learning u things about gaming. i feel pretty frustrated when i see u guys giving opinion about them and telling they are not good enough for WM since imo they do more in the servers than u do.
organisation is important of course, but if u don't have a clue u should atleast listen people about those matters.
remember my german friend dave? he wouldn't have passed trialship and would have been threaten hackers here probably. I personally know he is a uber skilled guy like lemo is and i never had doubts about him even tho he made me mad couple times.
i feel like u think i was TL once? never was and never will be. I just give my opinion on things i consider being important since hierarchy make admins and members scary about consequences...i personally don't care
i don't blame u as persons, i know ur doing ur job in the forum and in facebook, but i wanna remind that ceee is alone in the game handling promod issues. In HC it's even worse there is noone to take care about problems...happily there is often an admin online & i m often there too.
i m not accusing ur skills neither cause we all went through learn thingy and few of you are improving a nice way...but even silver is judging in people cod4 application and that's fucking not normal.
i also have to remember you that a dude hacked my key (don't remember if its the key i m using right now) but still the key was in used and shown many pb bans and different names...i had to grab KF brother's key for a few week/month when it happened and it doesn't make me a hacker. Noone in WM thinks i hack & the only time i tried a hack it was in a cracked svr with no PB with euska to test how multihacks (tweaks) looks like. we installed the hack and deleted it the same day.
i m telling u all that cause in my opinion u can base a better judgment on gaming behaviour and gaming for a clan buddy than on a forum application or facebook spamming. lemo, alex, obito, ceee, me ? we are all willing to use tzac, even in public and i m sure they d do it with pleasure.
i ll go to familly for christmas, so cheers dudes, and cya round