Good Times

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Thanks Ice, Ryu.

Ryu do you trust tzac? If yes then sometime mate just pm me and play a war with me with tzac)) Just for fun. I like your attitude and the way u r chilled and the way u always say what u think. I think that's powerful.
Peace bro

Michal it slightly pisses me off now. Please try to understand I am not leaving because of hacks.
Do you think you would have choice when you admited that you cheated ? Seem we not deserved for such a great member like Weed and he punished us by leaving lol
Sabb? u admin on the svr but u kick only for lmg in hc and for shooting in knife round in promod...barely banned a hacker in cod4

Well yes I admit I don't have sometimes full knowledge to ban hackers/cheaters and I ban them only if there are more WM members who agree that the person uses cheats. Also if you notice there are many appeal threads in which people think they were banned without 100% proof.

As to all that talk around. Known hackers and cheaters won't be welcome in WM. That apply to swat4 section (as it always was) and to cod4 (I think so...but reading all that comments I doubt with it now).

I think every member of WM has the write to speak here about the problems even if they concern only cod4 section (nothing new).

I am also a little bit suprised that some people write about what is not working and what should be improved but in the fact when they were team leaders they did nothing to improve the situation. Thats why I give the BIG thumbs up for Ceeee and Warlord for working hard.
Thats all. Happy Christmas !
Do you think you would have choice when you admited that you cheated ? Seem we not deserved for such a great member like Weed and he punished us by leaving lol

See now that is the exact problem of clueless swat members commenting in cod4 threads. :lol:
Honestly I dont give a fuck why you left. It doesnt metter what kind of game do you play. In both case (swat and cod) for cheating in WM we ban and kick from clan. I advice dont continue that conversation otherwise you recive from me ban website as like christmas gift.
well what i was trying to say is that obito, ceeee, miss, ice, random, jakob, sound, warlord and few others know what promod is, they can judge on people skillz & hacks, recognize a good player and a hacker. I m suspecting anyone by nature and i m watching people a long time before respecting them, particularly members.

Lemonade for example is not accused by these people about hacking, nor alex or obito, cause we know they are skilled guys. But its impossible for these people to get WM cause u guys are clueless and base ur judgment on things out of the game.

i wouldn't play promod without these guys cause they are the skill of our server. That's their cam ur watching when ur dead and they are learning u things about gaming. i feel pretty frustrated when i see u guys giving opinion about them and telling they are not good enough for WM since imo they do more in the servers than u do.

organisation is important of course, but if u don't have a clue u should atleast listen people about those matters.

remember my german friend dave? he wouldn't have passed trialship and would have been threaten hackers here probably. I personally know he is a uber skilled guy like lemo is and i never had doubts about him even tho he made me mad couple times.

i feel like u think i was TL once? never was and never will be. I just give my opinion on things i consider being important since hierarchy make admins and members scary about consequences...i personally don't care

i don't blame u as persons, i know ur doing ur job in the forum and in facebook, but i wanna remind that ceee is alone in the game handling promod issues. In HC it's even worse there is noone to take care about problems...happily there is often an admin online & i m often there too.

i m not accusing ur skills neither cause we all went through learn thingy and few of you are improving a nice way...but even silver is judging in people cod4 application and that's fucking not normal.

i also have to remember you that a dude hacked my key (don't remember if its the key i m using right now) but still the key was in used and shown many pb bans and different names...i had to grab KF brother's key for a few week/month when it happened and it doesn't make me a hacker. Noone in WM thinks i hack & the only time i tried a hack it was in a cracked svr with no PB with euska to test how multihacks (tweaks) looks like. we installed the hack and deleted it the same day.

i m telling u all that cause in my opinion u can base a better judgment on gaming behaviour and gaming for a clan buddy than on a forum application or facebook spamming. lemo, alex, obito, ceee, me ? we are all willing to use tzac, even in public and i m sure they d do it with pleasure.

i ll go to familly for christmas, so cheers dudes, and cya round :)
Honestly I dont give a fuck why you left. It doesnt metter what kind of game do you play. In both case (swat and cod) for cheating in WM we ban and kick from clan. I advice dont continue that conversation otherwise you recive from me ban website as like christmas gift.
I advise you to calm down and stop flaming. Continue what conversation. I just pointed out to you 2 things: that you cant rly say that I hacked in WM because you are clueless about that and that I left to a different reason than u stated before. Try not to say stuff sometimes that you are not an expert in, listen to other people first and than maybe conclude it in your opinion.

I know I am not a part of this team anymore. And in minds of many people not even welcomed here but can I as my last remark recommend Warlord for my ex-post of team arranger. I think everyone would agree that he is active, mature and skilled. (as well as my ex-regular admin position ofc)

Thank you Xavii for caring for this team :D
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