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just unban him, if he hacks he will get busted again :D as we say in italy non c'è 2 senza 3 (theres no 2 without a 3) n he got banned already 2 times! 50 euros he will get banned again :P
I dont get how this topic became so popular...
Mb stop bumping it already=D
I just want to play on the WM Server agian.

just unban him, if he hacks he will get busted again :D as we say in italy non c'è 2 senza 3 (theres no 2 without a 3) n he got banned already 2 times! 50 euros he will get banned again :P
Not only I want to get unbanned, I want to proof my innocence, I don't hack.

Now would an admin please make a UAC Match with me, so he or she can see that I don't hack.
if you did hack, would you really be dumb enough that after you've read what UAC does, still keep cheats on your pc while playing with it? I doubt. Just sayin', any smart person would first delete any track of cheats on their pc when they're trying to prove their innocence.

or in short: you can't really prove anything.. if you did cheat you could of deleted cheats by now easily. Then you can redownload them after you've passed ''UAC'' test - also uac isn't 100% anticheat, ask some people in WM that know a lot about scripts.
Meh, this is so messed up. I don't hack, I never hacked on CoD4.

So there's no way to proof my innocence.
Oh also, is there even a demo of me 'hacking'?
ur ban stays, end of discussion!
no evidence was presented to sostain ur ungultiness.
lock topic now pls!
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