The first map looks horrible.
The second map is fine.
Not because of the looks, but the prop's position.
Also the idea of thrown weapons on the ground is bad, you should spawn with the weapon you want.
Aim_ servers mostly contain people spraying with LMG or just getting kills for their stattrak weapons.
But the maps are fine if they don't contain 30 people inside them or it becomes a clusterf***
A good alternative is just playing deathmatch with up to 12 players, FFA works fine.
A good thing about deathmatch servers is that they contain the original maps, which can also teach you pre-firing positions.
Pre-firing means that you shoot to a place before your brain calculates an enemy is there, or not.
Pre-firing + side step shooting = auto win in most cases, because the enemy's brain takes time to send his signals to your hand.
This is actually really intersting, this is why many pros are called hackers, they don't hack, they fuse side step shooting with pre-fire.
Pre-firing is about knowing where the enemy is, like if you know someone is around the corner, if done correctly - he is dead.
The bad thing is that if he is 1 meter away from where you are aiming, you're dead and if not, you exposed yourself.
This is used mostly by the T side because they are attacking or CT when retaking.