Working out / weight gain / Weight loss / Training

I meant, your food is so delicious that you can't stop eating it ! Which is bad if you wanna work out ...
Look at all these fatties trying to lose weight!
Linux said:
I meant, your food is so delicious that you can't stop eating it ! Which is bad if you wanna work out ...
lol. Ok, then i won't start posting photos of my food here! Think whatsapp is enough ;D
But in my opinion everyone can cook healthy and nice if he really wanna do it

MissVampire said:
i just started going to gym for a week now for the same reason u mentioned and my whole body is aching like FUCK!!!! :D
Keep on beeing motivated! Don't let the lazyness win, im sure u got a strong mind :) !
Maybe thats you in few years? ;)
Honestly... I'm very sceptical about using other people's workout timetables and diets. :mellow: We are too different. Each person have to find what's best for him by own experience. By own faults and mistakes. Trying. I spent year doing this and maybe just now figured out how what works. From february I also edcided to train with bigger effort.

I'm far from pro, I do gym for own pleasure, not for records, but I know some basic tips, that is good for all. So here are they:

*No ultimate workout scedule exist. Because even by body somatology we are different.
Exist 3 human body types:

  • Ectomorphic(Skinny fuck): characterized as linear, thin, fragile, lightly muscled, flat chested and delicate;
  • Mesomorphic(So-So fuck): characterized as hard, rugged, rectangular, athletically built with well developed muscles, thick skin and good posture;
  • Endomorphic(Fat fuck): characterized as round and soft with under-developed muscles and having difficulty losing weight;
thx wikia. :P
For each of them trains are complitelly different.

*The same matter, or mabe even bigger have your meal. Healthy food combined with trains is must for result.
Carbonohydrate before workout(energy). Proteins after(muscle build).

*Sleep. A lot. In a right time. Only when you are resting, your body regenerate.

*Train regulary to have resul. Visiting gym 1 time per weak is just for posers. Only doing something often you earn skills in technic and better progressing.

*Time in gym must be around 50minutes +20. After that your body starts asking for food. Of course it's very different for everybody. Some can do 2 hours(I do sometimes, but here is other reasons, not bragging).

*5-15 minutes after workout your organism absorbs 70-80% of proteins and carbonohydrates! That mean, atleast banana after train is must. :) Protein shake is perfect.

*Stretches increasing power. Well, that tip is more for a fighters.

*Never train if you are sick. That will only hurt. Yes, it's a workout, but weaker than usual + huge stress for organism. You'll spend additional time recovering.

*Push over your limits. You do 10th bench press. "Oh damn, I think, I can't anymore, I don't want" Then do the 11th! Those last 1-2 tries is the most efficient.

*Never skip leg day. Quadriceps(leg muscle) is the biggest muscle. You won't get strong and big hands without training legs. Organism want balance. It won't allow you have giand shoulders and tiny chicken legs.

What's about me?
20 y.o. 64kg+ 172cm
As I mentioned, I'm not crazy about gym and records, just doing what I like to care about my future. If you want your dick in 60 hard as now, then do squats. But I guess in february I start doing gym more often before summer. :D
I'm ectomorphic and that mean, I can eat anything and anytime and never get fat(bitches, be jealous :P ). But also extreemly hard to gain positive muscle mass.

I don't have stable scedule, because I decide dependable on my condition and energy.
2 times per week. No time else.
If full complex training then it's like this:
1)Abs(rising legs, while hanging)
then do shoulders + triceps(bench press standing etc)
then legs(squats'n'stuffs)
then isolated triceps
then go muai thai training(goes for cardio).
then chest+triceps(classic bench press)
then back(Hyperextension + soome pulling up)
then muai thai(cardio).

As you noticed no biceps. Fuck it. It get's by itself. Maybe latelly. Triceps is more important in fight.

Look's strange, but hard and intense trains is the best option for me.
That's me in the morning(pussy nearby attached):
That's me in the bathing in open air few days ago:

My only problem is legs. Had troubles with them when was a kid. That's why kinda weak. Only some time ago figured out, that they are root of all evil, now working on them most. :)
Xavii got a lot of rejection from guys when he used to be to "muscular" :: )

The best training i ever did, besides military, was cycling. Faster than running, and on the right bike on the right track u train every part of ur body.

Thai Boxing is fun aswell, but it makes more fun if u got a partner of your weight/size which made it difficult for me.
Well it was more a joke than a serious post from my side ;) the most important thing is that the inner of a girl is attractive for me. ;)