And I like the way it is!

- "Let's never wash! Washig for peasants" Said europeans. And plague rats crowded the streets. Meanwhile here everybody had wooden baths and guess what? No such big epidemies in entire history.
- "Look, woman uses make-up. Burn that witch!" Said catholic priest. Meantime Russian priest would probably invite here for wine. Because.. allowed. Both. Sex and wine.
Centuries after: "Why russian women are mostly so hot and our almost all not? Why western priests raping little kids?
Here no such problems.
- "We need a new beuty standart for women! What if they have to be skinny like a stick? Have no boobs and butts? A great idea indead".
... Like eu women been not enough ugly. I've not even looked long for example, classic soviet cartoon.

That's russian beuty etalon.
Here everything is still fine, except our females are trying to be skinny like yours(they geneticly can't be that skinny)and fucking russian men's brain about that.
- "Ok, we got it! We treated females not really good, we have to change it Let's give them rights!''
That's how crazy feminists were born. In russia in present days if you go cinema you pay for 2. Restaurant - you pay again. You pay the bill. You earn all gold. Because you are the male. If you won't your woman will leave you and tell everyone you are pathetic as a man.
Here you have to earn to be the man. I like that way.
- "What to do today? Ok, we need to promote lgbt around the world! What do you mean not everyone can tollerate them? They must!! Because.. They must tollerate that! Who cares what russian want."
I like how our society works and I'm against changings like in europe. We are different, we think different, we are each unique universe.
In russia we have saying "What is good for russian - death for french". That mean that something good for one society not nessesary works for other.
As I mentioned before, here is strong primal traditions. Female in the cave - with kids. Male - earning food and stuffs for living. This is how it works here. That rule never bein broken and nobody wants to break it. Gays are treat to that. End of the discussion. You are free to fuck eachother in the butt, but somewhere outside of the russia. We are not lecturing you, you'd better not to tr to do the same in our side.