What is your job?

I have no job for now. Money from parents + scholarship from university + some random single gains from third-side. :) So, yea, I'm student for now. In university I'm a part of trade union and one of the councils in my faculty, that mean, sometimes I spend all my day there, helping with different organisation stuffs: from helping in a "Door open day" to taking part in deciding upcoming events.
So, I think it's kinda similar to real work(it's hard and exhausting), except I have no money payment, I can only use it as excuse, when I fuck up some studyings or in other situations, when I need to save my ass. :D
I work part time in my dad's factory: we dye wool which will be used to make moquettes and carpets mostly, mean while im studying trying to finish university
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same, final year studies (5th), part time job @ a psychiatric hospital (granted by university) but not paid. its part of the program.

taking care of schizo and autistic childrens mostly
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Unemployed and fucking screwed with money problems soon, thanks for asking. 'Em brothers coming from Syria etc. here and Social Security takes care of all their money problems and everything, but when a FIN is without a job, he is supposed to live with a fucking piece of bread a day. FUCK TARJA HALONEN for starting this refugee-safehouse shit

Gypsy's come here to steal and rape and they live better than regular citizens. Finland politics ftw.

Makes my blood boil, sorry :P

P.S. I'm a racist like Michal, I just don't show it that clearly :D
No no Im not racist but Im tired this political correctness. I know your feelings cause as well I would be pissed off if some poeple took my job and make it almost free of charge. I know many imigrants move to UK (concern also polish:D ) and other ritcher countries and feeds of benefits. I have nothing against poeple who assimilate with other, trying to learn native language, meet and obey local culture. Anyway Im total against to make changes for guests and change mentality cause some for example radical muslims do not handle EU law and customs. If you are unhappy feel free to come back own country but do not change mine since you are only guest. It is paranoia, try to complain for gypsy, black guy , jew or muslim you will be called racist. Try to move their country you will see what mean tolerance :) You will lose head in some case only cause you wear holy medal.
Back to topic. Im owner company charge of architecture, transport, green areas, removing snow and since some time network.
UFO said:
I work for Lavazza and im the manager of my city. months ago i was working for FIAT group alfa romeo luncia etc..
rofl!! FIAT sucks! it needs money from goverment to keep alive and state gave fiat money to buy chrisler lol so that it might eventually be that fiat wont fail again :D

abt immigrants in italy is a hard problem: hundreds of ppl arrive in lampedusa everyday also coz if they try to go to france or spain their ships get sinked by sea police!!
we are left almost alone taking care of all those ppl escaping form north africa where there are a lot or problems on going (look at libia) and we ourselves drive in really bad water, the country is struggling hard and immigrants increase the weight on the state's shoulders, but as human beings its difficult to negate our similars some help.
and i agree with michal abt gypsies and ppl that dnt want to integrate, but on the other hand u cant act bad on them only coz they would do same to you if u were in their countries. thats not the way to "grow up" as human kind
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I have 2 jobs one of which is a van sales driver that I do in the morning and the other is working with children and young people delivering the Duke of Edinburgh awards amongst other things like tackling gun gang and knife crime
@Ryu your job description makes you more qualified to be apart of this clan, "taking care of schizo and autistic children "

Last 8 years I have been working at Securitas Iceland as a mobile Security guard :)
As of January 1st I started working as a Facilities Manager for the University of Iceland.
Basically grounds keeper Willy, but minus the toilet cleaning :P

I work there from 07:15 to 16:00 most weeks but I have 2 weeks out of two months when im there untill 18:30 :)
Well paid and everybody´s happy :)
Well i am at uni right now.Second year.Studying information technology.This is programming,building pc's,hacking :P,and some other bullshit.

So I work on holidays on my father's job from 8 to 17 and then I usually(sometimes i don't)find a night job as a waiter-bartender from 22-04.Also we have a race track(small one)for karts so I work there(keeping an eye to children so that they don't get hurt-boring tbh).

@Mr.Red Bodyguard(ik that it is not the same thing just loved the pic :P )

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Poker player. Not one of those luckboxes that win a big event and could retire if they werent such degenerate fucking gamblers. Just grinding and multitabling 50c/1$ No Limit Hold Em and Pot Limit Omaha cashgames every day till the point that I can't sleep anymore because I see hole cards every time I close my eyes.
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