RoN - Questions for veterans of PvP on what they'd like to see in RoN!


Dec 30, 2018
Hey everyone! I'm pretty sure all of you know me by now(mainly for the folks on the WM forums), but I'd like to fully introduce myself here once more for all those who don't know. My name is TCR - or Mohamed - and I've been playing SWAT 4 since 2016.

During these years, I played a bit of co-op, help out eezstreet on his SWAT 4 PvE mod - 'Elite Force' - and mainly VIP Escort due to the lack of RD players. I have taken plenty of my leisure time to learn grenade tricks, evaluate strategic positions, learn spawn points and etc. to improve my PvP skills as I love SWAT 4 PvP as much as you guys do. During this time, a game called 'Ready or Not' was announced, and is to include PvP modes from SWAT 4 - mainly VIP Escort. As of now, I have been a moderator of the Ready or Not Discord and subreddit, and have some form of control over the design of PvP in Ready or Not. Now, as a heads up, the game is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT when it comes to how guns work, the amount of items you can carry, movement speed, etc. With this in mind, the game will have to be balanced in certain ways that'll allow newcomers and pros to enjoy the game as much as possible while still retaining the good stuff of SWAT 4's PvP and cannot just be 1:1 replica of it.

Now, with that out of the way, here are the questions! P.S: All of the questions are open-ended(some do have options, but you can type whatever you want!), but do try to keep it concise and direct if possible.


Question 1: What game modes would you like to see and what game modes do you think are still relevant and should be featured in the game?


Question 2: In SWAT 4, every player could carry around 5 grenades, which lead to situations where there are constant nade explosions and being stunned, which lead to many players having an unenjoyable time. How would you change the way grenades work?

Would you prefer to lower the amount of grenades and increase their effectiveness and damage output(2 grenades maximum, 3 sting grenades directly under a person may kill them)?

Should flash bangs that land extremely close to a person cause them to be stunned similar to a sting grenade?

Should looking away from flash bangs lower how long people are stunned compared to directly looking at it and be able to stun people wearing helmets for a short period of time(3 seconds)?

Should sting grenades have their effectiveness lowered a bit?

I'd like to hear more varied responses if possible.


Question 3: How many tactical aids should people be able to carry, and how many points of space should they consume?

For example, should a person with no armor have 6 tactical aid slots, light armor 4, and heavy armor 2-3? Should a wedge take 2 slots away or 1? Etc.


Question 4: Should a Taser be considered a tactical aid, or a secondary weapon?


Question 5: Should SWAT and Suspects have the same weapons, different weapons, or a bit of both(AK47 for suspects, M4 for SWAT, MP5 for both)?


Question 6: How would you balance weapon subtypes e.g SMGs, shotguns, ARs, pistols, less than lethal?

E.g Make ARs have less magazines, have more recoil, slower to equip/holster and have a slower ADS time? Make SMGs have more mags, less recoil, faster to equip and ADS, however less effective against heavily armored targets? Do try and include as much as you can for this.


Question 7: In SWAT 4, weapons were only restricted to 2 types of firing modes. For example, the MP5 only has burst and semi, the gal has auto and semi, the M4 has auto and semi, the GB36s has burst and auto. Should this be brought back exclusively for the PvP game mode or would you prefer to have all 3 choices available(auto, burst, semi) and have an option to swap between your 2 preferred fire types(auto or semi, burst or semi, etc.)?


Question 8: Should maps reset completely after every lost/won round, or partially(exit door stays breached)?


Question 9: Wedges, after the exit is breached, loses all usability. How would you circumvent this problem so they aren't just something you put at the start of the round and forget about later?

Would you: make doors that are breached with the shotgun only unlock it, but not remove the wedge(manually have to remove it)? Will using C2 destroy the wedge and breach the door open? Will people be able to place wedges on breached doors?


Question 10: Should SWAT and Suspects be able to lock doors with their toolkits?


Question 11: Should players be able to choose what their VIP can spawn with(pistol, grenade, etc)? If no, what should the VIP spawn with? If yes, what tactical aids and weapons can he choose from?

E.g, VIP can choose to have 1 sting grenade and pepper spray, or 2 stings and nothing else, or 1 flash 1 gas and pepper spray or 2 flash 2 gas no pepper? Can VIP choose to have Glock(low damage, 3 mags x 17 shots, medium spread at long range), M1911(medium damage, 3 mags x 8 shots, low spread at longe range), Python(high damage, 2 loads x 6 shots, low spread at long range)?


Question 12: The less than lethal shotgun - green gun - can deal damage based on range. Should the damage be disabled in VIP escort? If no, should dealing damage stop if the VIP has 1 HP? If the VIP has 1 HP, should shots to the head or torso be able to kill him? In addition, should the same apply to stinger grenades and flash bangs?


Question 13: Should spawn killing be possible? If yes, to what extent can it be possible(e.g training map where people are always spawn killed due to having only one spawn area, or spawn areas shift but it's still possible to kill people by having 1 enemy in their spawn)?


Question 14: Should Suspect and SWAT spawn at the same time, or should timer change based on certain factors?

E.g if SWAT have trouble getting VIP to exit(2 minutes left), suspects take a longer time to respawn after dying, and SWAT have a longer time to spawn if they're close to the exit with VIP and have plenty of time leftover(6-8 mins) to get VIP to the exit. For RD, SWAT have less time to respawn and suspects have more depending on how many bombs are defused, how much time the SWAT has left, etc.


Question 15: If the VIP is caught more than one time, should the timer lower and by how much? In addition, if the VIP has a low amount of time to get to the exit(10-30 seconds), should suspects be able to kill the VIP on sight?


Question 16: Should players have a way to get ammo after losing all of it? If yes, how?


Question 17: What weapons did you dislike/feel was overpowered/underpowered in SWAT 4 that you'd like to see changed in RoN?


Question 18: What new tactical aids would you like to see in RoN and that you would think would improve the PvP experience?

E.g an optiwand that's faster to equip and deploy(not slow and clunky like the old optiwand) that's able to see under doors and around corners, with a worser cam vision under doors.


Question 19: What features of SWAT 4 would you like to see return in RoN?


Question 20: Same question, however with features that you'd like to see removed.

That's all I have to ask for now, hope to see your answers soon!
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  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Linu and EmoPig
First of all, thanks alot for writing this. It gives us alot of reassurance that this game truly will be a SWAT clone and that the developers actually care about the community and how the game plays rather than income (which is sadly not a popular opinion nowadays when it comes to game development).

All of us (and I do sincerely believe that the entire SWAT section is with me in this matter) have waited alot for the opportunity to have a game as good as SWAT and since we have talked about this already and agreed - I will create a private thread where we will compile the answers from the entire clan (so there will be no spam) and then after some time (let's say 7 days) we will compile all the replies into a one unified answer which will be posted here.
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As Linux said, thanks for writing this and it's very nice to see developes care about the community's opinions. My answers are posted below:

Question 1: What game modes would you like to see and what game modes do you think are still relevant and should be featured in the game?

Answer 1: I would like to see all the modes that are in SWAT 4. I mean VIP - RD and BS.

Question 2: In SWAT 4, every player could carry around 5 grenades, which lead to situations where there are constant nade explosions and being stunned, which lead to many players having an unenjoyable time. How would you change the way grenades work?

Would you prefer to lower the amount of grenades and increase their effectiveness and damage output(2 grenades maximum, 3 sting grenades directly under a person may kill them)?

Should flash bangs that land extremely close to a person cause them to be stunned similar to a sting grenade?

Should looking away from flash bangs lower how long people are stunned compared to directly looking at it and be able to stun people wearing helmets for a short period of time(3 seconds)?

Should sting grenades have their effectiveness lowered a bit?

I'd like to hear more varied responses if possible.


Answer 2: I want to answer this question part by part.

For your 1st question, it might be considerable to increase the damage output but not that much since it only makes you giddy.

For 2nd, i think flashbangs have to have the same properties as they are in SWAT 4.

For 3rd, my opinion is same as above. Looking away or directly looking should not change effect of flashbang and only the people who use mask have to effected by flashbang.

For 4th, nope, it is better to make it same as in S4.

And for your main question, for wars (i mean competitive scene) 5 slots for grenades(stings, flashbangs, gasses totally) were enough. Less or more would damage the enjoy of the matches in my opinion. But for public case thing would go to different way.... I dont know ..


Question 3: How many tactical aids should people be able to carry, and how many points of space should they consume?

For example, should a person with no armor have 6 tactical aid slots, light armor 4, and heavy armor 2-3? Should a wedge take 2 slots away or 1? Etc.

Answer 3: I dont see a point to varying the slots for tactical aids when you use different types of armors. I think everyone should have the same amount of slots whether they wear and every weapon or aid should take only one slot away from your inventory.


Question 4: Should a Taser be considered a tactical aid, or a secondary weapon?

Answer 4: It should be considered as secondary weapon like in S4.


Question 5: Should SWAT and Suspects have the same weapons, different weapons, or a bit of both(AK47 for suspects, M4 for SWAT, MP5 for both)?

Answer 5: They certainly should have the same weapons for the PvP.


Question 6: How would you balance weapon subtypes e.g SMGs, shotguns, ARs, pistols, less than lethal?

E.g Make ARs have less magazines, have more recoil, slower to equip/holster and have a slower ADS time? Make SMGs have more mags, less recoil, faster to equip and ADS, however less effective against heavily armored targets? Do try and include as much as you can for this.

Answer 6: ARs might have less magazines, more recoil and SMGs with more mags, less recoil and a little bit less effective against heavily armored targets than ARs.


Question 7: In SWAT 4, weapons were only restricted to 2 types of firing modes. For example, the MP5 only has burst and semi, the gal has auto and semi, the M4 has auto and semi, the GB36s has burst and auto. Should this be brought back exclusively for the PvP game mode or would you prefer to have all 3 choices available(auto, burst, semi) and have an option to swap between your 2 preferred fire types(auto or semi, burst or semi, etc.)?

Answer 7: The firing modes should stay as they are in SWAT 4 in my opinion.

Question 8: Should maps reset completely after every lost/won round, or partially(exit door stays breached)?

Answer 8: There should be a option for server hoster to choose this by himself. I mean the server hoster should decide it. He might or might not to restart map after every single round.


Question 9: Wedges, after the exit is breached, loses all usability. How would you circumvent this problem so they aren't just something you put at the start of the round and forget about later?

Would you: make doors that are breached with the shotgun only unlock it, but not remove the wedge(manually have to remove it)? Will using C2 destroy the wedge and breach the door open? Will people be able to place wedges on breached doors?

Answer 9: I dont really have an idea for this but i was okay with the situation in SWAT 4....


Question 10: Should SWAT and Suspects be able to lock doors with their toolkits?

Answer 10: No. They should be able to unlock it but not lock. It might increase the complexity of the game a little bit in my opinion..


Question 11: Should players be able to choose what their VIP can spawn with(pistol, grenade, etc)? If no, what should the VIP spawn with? If yes, what tactical aids and weapons can he choose from?

E.g, VIP can choose to have 1 sting grenade and pepper spray, or 2 stings and nothing else, or 1 flash 1 gas and pepper spray or 2 flash 2 gas no pepper? Can VIP choose to have Glock(low damage, 3 mags x 17 shots, medium spread at long range), M1911(medium damage, 3 mags x 8 shots, low spread at longe range), Python(high damage, 2 loads x 6 shots, low spread at long range)?

Answer 11: I think VIP has to be able to choose between handguns. I mean he can choose whether he wants to use Glock, M1911 or Python and about aids, he should be able to carry only one stinger, one flashbang and one gas.


Question 12: The less than lethal shotgun - green gun - can deal damage based on range. Should the damage be disabled in VIP escort? If no, should dealing damage stop if the VIP has 1 HP? If the VIP has 1 HP, should shots to the head or torso be able to kill him? In addition, should the same apply to stinger grenades and flash bangs?

Answer 12: The damage shouldnt be disabled in VIP escort but the dealing damage should stop if VIP or any other player has 1 HP whether of their body you shoot but Same stings and flashbangs should kill people when they have 1 HP though i dont want stings and flashbangs to deal damage too much.


Question 13: Should spawn killing be possible? If yes, to what extent can it be possible(e.g training map where people are always spawn killed due to having only one spawn area, or spawn areas shift but it's still possible to kill people by having 1 enemy in their spawn)?

Answer 13: It has to be same as in SWAT 4. It should be up to server hoster to change up to what extent it is possible from server options.


Question 14: Should Suspect and SWAT spawn at the same time, or should timer change based on certain factors?

E.g if SWAT have trouble getting VIP to exit(2 minutes left), suspects take a longer time to respawn after dying, and SWAT have a longer time to spawn if they're close to the exit with VIP and have plenty of time leftover(6-8 mins) to get VIP to the exit. For RD, SWAT have less time to respawn and suspects have more depending on how many bombs are defused, how much time the SWAT has left, etc.

Answer 14: Again, it has to be same as it is in SWAT 4. They both should spawn at the same time.


Question 15: If the VIP is caught more than one time, should the timer lower and by how much? In addition, if the VIP has a low amount of time to get to the exit(10-30 seconds), should suspects be able to kill the VIP on sight?

Answer 15: Again and again it has to be same as it is in SWAT 4.. I think VIP mode rules shouldnt change since it might hurt the real VIP experience in my honest opinion.


Question 16: Should players have a way to get ammo after losing all of it? If yes, how?

Answer 16: No because a player has ability to respawn too many times. You dont even use your half of your magazines generally.


Question 17: What weapons did you dislike/feel was overpowered/underpowered in SWAT 4 that you'd like to see changed in RoN?

Answer 17: I dont think there are owerpowered weapons in SWAT 4 but about underpowered ones, i think G36C and AK 47 can be more powered.


Question 18: What new tactical aids would you like to see in RoN and that you would think would improve the PvP experience?

E.g an optiwand that's faster to equip and deploy(not slow and clunky like the old optiwand) that's able to see under doors and around corners, with a worser cam vision under doors.

Answer 18: Since RoN will be similar to SWAT4, the game will be played fast but also it will take long time to finish rounds sometimes. Optiwand can be equipped and deployed faster but i dont want to see drones as in R6: Siege.


Question 19: What features of SWAT 4 would you like to see return in RoN?

Answer 19: Almost everything with less buggy and more smoother.


Question 20: Same question, however with features that you'd like to see removed.

Answer 20: I think SWAT 4 was well balanced game overall. I cant think what should be removed at the moment.
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Question 1: What game modes would you like to see and what game modes do you think are still relevant and should be featured in the game?

Pretty much all game modes from SWAT4, Void can add a lot new game modes to the game, ex: gungame, free for all (Can have amount of lives limited), last man standing (free for all with 1 life)
Pistols only, tasers only, shotguns only, colt python only and so on. Believe it or not, a mini BR game with a total of 12 players can be added to attract those who like this game mode (Can explain how it can work if needed).
Capture the flag and domination (with 4 positions) can fit the 'party mode'.


Question 2: In SWAT 4, every player could carry around 5 grenades, which lead to situations where there are constant nade explosions and being stunned, which lead to many players having an unenjoyable time. How would you change the way grenades work?

Would you prefer to lower the amount of grenades and increase their effectiveness and damage output(2 grenades maximum, 3 sting grenades directly under a person may kill them)?

Should flash bangs that land extremely close to a person cause them to be stunned similar to a sting grenade?

Should looking away from flash bangs lower how long people are stunned compared to directly looking at it and be able to stun people wearing helmets for a short period of time(3 seconds)?

Should sting grenades have their effectiveness lowered a bit?

I'd like to hear more varied responses if possible.

Grenade effects should be similiar to SWAT4, stinger effects for 8 seconds, gas and flash for around 12 seconds. However this time I think flashbangs and gas nades should effect for 14 seconds, as there is a way to counter them compared to stinger which effects everyone around that got hit. In addition looking away from a flashbang should maybe reduce 3/4 or 1/2 of the effect (maybe depanding how far the person is from the explosion and it might even cause full effect if too close regardless of where the player looks)
Heavy armor should cut stinger and LL effect by half.

Grenade amounts - by default every player should be able to carry only 2 of each type of nade (so for example 2 flashbangs in total, it will restrict them from picking a 3rd). A server admin can turn it off and allow a player to pick up the maximum amount of grenades or other equipment that can be restricted and the admin can also restrict grenades to a different number, but default should be 2 MAX for each nade.

As VOID will add a 9banger (flashbang that explodes 9 times) there should also be a gas grenade that makes a huge cloud that blocks vision entirely of a sector\hall but won't make people cough but rather have their eyes tear just a little bit (vision slightly reduced when you're in the cloud). the CS gas (the one that causes people to cough) shouldn't block all of the vision (similiar to SWAT4 that you can see through it) but will cause people to cough and they will be heard around to others.


Question 3: How many tactical aids should people be able to carry, and how many points of space should they consume?

For example, should a person with no armor have 6 tactical aid slots, light armor 4, and heavy armor 2-3? Should a wedge take 2 slots away or 1? Etc.

I liked the SWAT4 system more, you have 5 tactical slots and you can choose whatever you want on them and nothing captures '2 slots'
This is of course by relation to the 'Grenade limit to 2' I wrote earlier


Question 4: Should a Taser be considered a tactical aid, or a secondary weapon?

No, it should be a secondary weapon, for balance reasons, taser is also some sort of a pistol, just a less lethal pistol
It also stuns the enemies for a good time.


Question 5: Should SWAT and Suspects have the same weapons, different weapons, or a bit of both(AK47 for suspects, M4 for SWAT, MP5 for both)?

Weapon restrictions should be OFF by default, allowing all players to pick whatever weapon they want.
A server admin can turn it ON but then it displays a warning telling him that the game might be unbalanced between the teams.


Question 6: How would you balance weapon subtypes e.g SMGs, shotguns, ARs, pistols, less than lethal?

E.g Make ARs have less magazines, have more recoil, slower to equip/holster and have a slower ADS time? Make SMGs have more mags, less recoil, faster to equip and ADS, however less effective against heavily armored targets? Do try and include as much as you can for this.

This one is a bit hard to answer because people always complain about realism :D and it's always an issue to balance weapons
ARs should have more damage compared to other weapons, let's say 2-3 extra magazines, people shouldn't spray with weapons anyway, slightly higher reload time.
SMGs should have medium damage, around 3-4 extra magazines, faster reload times (Not too fast compared to ARs, maybe by 100-300MS at MAX)
Shotguns obviously have slow reload times especially shell by shell reload, high damage at close to medium range and low damage at high range, at higher range can still hurt your arms or legs and make you aim bad or walk slow.
Pistols are pistols, medium damage, between 2-3 extra magazines, the revolver should have really high damage, 1 shot kill to most body parts, but should have a delay between each shot (like in S4) and maybe another version of the revolver where you can shoot much faster but has less damage and can take 3 shots to kill in most parts of the body.
LL cannot kill any enemy (As everyone wears armor that protects them as an excuse ;) ) should disorient enemies depending on what they wear.

equip\holster and ADS time shouldn't be too different between the weapons, it all depends how the animation looks like and what speed fits it

Question 7: In SWAT 4, weapons were only restricted to 2 types of firing modes. For example, the MP5 only has burst and semi, the gal has auto and semi, the M4 has auto and semi, the GB36s has burst and auto. Should this be brought back exclusively for the PvP game mode or would you prefer to have all 3 choices available(auto, burst, semi) and have an option to swap between your 2 preferred fire types(auto or semi, burst or semi, etc.)?

Include all firemodes for every weapon but make the full auto have annoying recoil to control (After the 4th or 5th round fired for example)


Question 8: Should maps reset completely after every lost/won round, or partially(exit door stays breached)?

Defaults to NO, but a server admin can set it to YES, so every round will reset (doors will be fixed to their original state after each round)
Can be used for competitive


Question 9: Wedges, after the exit is breached, loses all usability. How would you circumvent this problem so they aren't just something you put at the start of the round and forget about later?

Would you: make doors that are breached with the shotgun only unlock it, but not remove the wedge(manually have to remove it)? Will using C2 destroy the wedge and breach the door open? Will people be able to place wedges on breached doors?

IMO it should work either like in SWAT4 OR:
Wedged door
If it gets C2ed then it blows away to 1 side and it's stuck like that for the rest of the round (or map)

If it gets shotgunned then it blows it away to 1 side but it can still be closed (open to the 2nd side as well) and be wedged again.
The breaching shotgun in swat4 was greatly overpicked over C2


Question 10: Should SWAT and Suspects be able to lock doors with their toolkits?

One side tells me that it will be hilarious and fun to have it in PVP but I think it will be more annoying than fun, so no.


Question 11: Should players be able to choose what their VIP can spawn with(pistol, grenade, etc)? If no, what should the VIP spawn with? If yes, what tactical aids and weapons can he choose from?

E.g, VIP can choose to have 1 sting grenade and pepper spray, or 2 stings and nothing else, or 1 flash 1 gas and pepper spray or 2 flash 2 gas no pepper? Can VIP choose to have Glock(low damage, 3 mags x 17 shots, medium spread at long range), M1911(medium damage, 3 mags x 8 shots, low spread at longe range), Python(high damage, 2 loads x 6 shots, low spread at long range)?

Yeah, but it should be balanced, so 1 choice won't be better than the other but rather to preference and maybe on the map itself. ex: 1 sting grenade + pepper + wedge |OR| 1 flash & 1 gas + pepper + wedge |OR| 2 stingers + wedge (2 stingers disables the pepper spray) |OR| 2 flash & 2 gas (And nothing else anymore)
It can be set to maybe 3 or 4 options, similiar to a class select type thing, but VIP can pick any pistol he wants regardless of what the player chose as the loadout (but ammo will be spread according to the pistol's balance)
Default should be:
1 flash 1 gas 1 pepper and 1 wedge


Question 12: The less than lethal shotgun - green gun - can deal damage based on range. Should the damage be disabled in VIP escort? If no, should dealing damage stop if the VIP has 1 HP? If the VIP has 1 HP, should shots to the head or torso be able to kill him? In addition, should the same apply to stinger grenades and flash bangs?

The less lethal shotgun shouldn't be able to kill at all in my opinion, stingers and flashbangs can kill if the player was hit a lot (Similiar to SWAT4)


Question 13: Should spawn killing be possible? If yes, to what extent can it be possible(e.g training map where people are always spawn killed due to having only one spawn area, or spawn areas shift but it's still possible to kill people by having 1 enemy in their spawn)?

Yes, but every team should have at least 2 spawns available at each moment, so if 1 spawn has been swarmed by enemies the game automatically spawns them at the spawn with the least enemies around.
This depends on the map of course and where the spawns are at, and how far they are from the objective.
If one team is getting spawn killed, it's kinda their fault for not covering all ways.


Question 14: Should Suspect and SWAT spawn at the same time, or should timer change based on certain factors?

E.g if SWAT have trouble getting VIP to exit(2 minutes left), suspects take a longer time to respawn after dying, and SWAT have a longer time to spawn if they're close to the exit with VIP and have plenty of time leftover(6-8 mins) to get VIP to the exit. For RD, SWAT have less time to respawn and suspects have more depending on how many bombs are defused, how much time the SWAT has left, etc.

Nah, I don't think it should be in, too many calculations and it can ruin all the fun, in addition both teams should always respawn at the same time.

Question 15: If the VIP is caught more than one time, should the timer lower and by how much? In addition, if the VIP has a low amount of time to get to the exit(10-30 seconds), should suspects be able to kill the VIP on sight?

No and no, and if the round timer ends the suspects should win as the VIP didn't escape in time (There should be more than enough time in each round for the VIP to escape, similiar to how SWAT4 does that)


Question 16: Should players have a way to get ammo after losing all of it? If yes, how?

Perhaps an animation that makes the player 'search' (2-3s) ammo on a body and pick up 1 magazine each time, this will make the player drop an empty magazine or the magazine with the least ammo in it. (Ammo must be fitting, if you do this animation on a body and the ammo doesn't fit, you get nothing and maybe having a first person voice saying 'damn it, wrong ammo type' 'i don't need this crap'.
This is risky and makes some noise for players to hear, but in anyway if you brought an extra 3 magazines to the round then you'll have max 3 magazines. (Pick a magazine and throw the one with the least ammo) Dying can also give you a resupply as you'll respawn soon anyway (Unless it's the last man standing mode I suggested earlier)


Question 17: What weapons did you dislike/feel was overpowered/underpowered in SWAT 4 that you'd like to see changed in RoN?

Shotguns were really weak and no one would ever use them. Only to troll (themselves)


Question 18: What new tactical aids would you like to see in RoN and that you would think would improve the PvP experience?

E.g an optiwand that's faster to equip and deploy(not slow and clunky like the old optiwand) that's able to see under doors and around corners, with a worser cam vision under doors.

I thought about the fast optiwand, but it will just be used for camping, people on both teams will just use it to camp
Unless it has a battery that lasts for a total of let's say 20 seconds and that's it, if it will exist then holstering it back should take slightly more time (risk & reward) only then people won't use it that much

I always thought of a cornershot being in the game but it works in a way that it only spawns once per map (in 1 random round) for both teams at their main 1st spawn. It has a pistol attached to it with 8 rounds. Whoever holds it is immune to friendly fire and cannot team hurt either. Not sure how it will work in game, but it can be fun as a party mode game


Question 19: What features of SWAT 4 would you like to see return in RoN? (I added also new suggestions here that don't exist in SWAT4)

-Not SWAT4 specific, a competitive mode, all players are at a 'WARMUP" state while admin sets server rules (settings[round timers, blocked weapons etc]) that everyone can see and check at all times during the game. Once everyone are ready the game will start in 10 seconds and and during those 10 seconds any player can stop it and go back to "WARMUP" state until everyone presses ready again. During and after those 10 seconds the server settings are locked for everyone including the admin (And people can still open and check it)

-Admin panel, similiar to MMA client mod which allows basic stuff like kick, mute, ban a player, changing a map. And more advanced stuff like removing weapons (Specific equipment as well) from a player.

-When hovering over settings or anything in the menu it writes below what does it do\change

-Ability to tick that SHIFT will either make you walk or run (If a player prefers that walking is his normal movement)

-Picking VO in multiplayer (Lead for example)

-Showing a prompt to interact with stuff for example, when you are close to VIP it will show you a prompt to take out your toolkit, or a door knob will show you a toolkit and slightly above a C2 or SG icon, this is mostly for new players (And an option to turn it off + an option that shows this prompt only when you have the right weapon\tool out)

-Not all leg shots will kill your leg off (You can sometimes still run normally as nothing happened) same for hands, not all hand\arm shots should make your aim worse

-This one doesn't exist in SWAT4 (And it should also default to OFF) is having doors randomized for each round from unlocked\locked\opened to 1 side\ opened to 2nd side. and give each option a fair 25%, This will make rounds feel more random.
1st spawn doors however should NEVER be locked but have 33% for each of the other options, 2nd spawns don't matter, their doors can have a fair 25% for each option.

-The leaning system, there could be a leaning system like in swat4 + a leaning system where you can move ex:
If I wanna lean like in swat4 I'll quickly tap E and then hold E for a full lean to the right, at this state I cannot move just like in swat4
Same for Q to lean left
To lean normally (Like the system shown in RoN) I'll just press and hold E and then I will lean slightly and will be able to move. If from this state I will want to fully lean (SWAT4 lean) then I will release the E key, quickly tap it and then press and hold for a full lean.

-Respawn times, default should be 30 seconds respawn waves (Both teams respawn at the same time)
An admin can choose between 20s, 30s and 40s respawn time. I don't think any other respawn wave times should appear as it can ruin the game feeling.


Question 20: Same question, however with features that you'd like to see removed.

-Invert mouse is a stupid idea, but maybe people play like that, who knows? I certainly don't, not one bit at all
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Question 1: What game modes would you like to see and what game modes do you think are still relevant and should be featured in the game?

-FFA, ViP, RD and Barricade Suspect.


Question 3: How many tactical aids should people be able to carry, and how many points of space should they consume?

6 tactical aid slots


Question 4: Should a Taser be considered a tactical aid, or a secondary weapon?

Tactical aid

Question 5: Should SWAT and Suspects have the same weapons, different weapons, or a bit of both(AK47 for suspects, M4 for SWAT, MP5 for both)?

Same weapons


Question 8: Should maps reset completely after every lost/won round, or partially(exit door stays breached)?

yes, each round is different. Just fast reset.


Question 10: Should SWAT and Suspects be able to lock doors with their toolkits?



Question 16: Should players have a way to get ammo after losing all of it? If yes, how? Going to their spawn nearer.


Question 17: What weapons did you dislike/feel was overpowered/underpowered in SWAT 4 that you'd like to see changed in RoN? gb36 sucks


Question 18: What new tactical aids would you like to see in RoN and that you would think would improve the PvP experience?

Only 1 player with shield in team, in "ViP mode" and only for swat team


dat pic :PepeTopKek:

I answered the questions that I considered more important for me. Also the easy way to send this info to the devs, it is doing this with a POLL, otherway they won't read at all, but first this is good to recopilate information and then after make a pool with all the info we said.
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As one of the oldest veterans (playing since 2006) and pros (not showing off btw!) of BS mode of SWAT4, I'd like to share my opinions on SOME IMPORTANT questions as well!! The DEVS better be reading all this and contact the community if they wish to ;)

Question 1: What game modes would you like to see and what game modes do you think are still relevant and should be featured in the game?

Same as in SWAT4, alternatively a FFA (free for all) or a battle royale could be added as a separate mode.

Question 2: In SWAT 4, every player could carry around 5 grenades, which lead to situations where there are constant nade explosions and being stunned, which lead to many players having an unenjoyable time. How would you change the way grenades work?

Mostly similar to SWAT4. But let's consider, if the flashbang or stinger (not gas) is within a certain area of m^2, it can affect you longer. If it explodes further away from you then you may be affected for a shorter duration?

Question 4: Should a Taser be considered a tactical aid, or a secondary weapon?

2ndary weapon of course!

Question 5: Should SWAT and Suspects have the same weapons, different weapons, or a bit of both(AK47 for suspects, M4 for SWAT, MP5 for both)?

Same selection of weapons/gadgets for both teams (in online or PvP environment)!

In addition, I'd love if a sort of sniper rifle (or scoped weapon) is added in the game btw

Question 13: Should spawn killing be possible? If yes, to what extent can it be possible(e.g training map where people are always spawn killed due to having only one spawn area, or spawn areas shift but it's still possible to kill people by having 1 enemy in their spawn)?

It is almost impossible to avoid spawn killing in a game where you can respawn hundreds of times. This can only be prevented if admin takes action in the server.. Maybe have multiple spawns to reduce the risk of spawn killings or make 2-3 seconds immortality for people just spawning to avoid them being spawn-killed straight after. But this excludes the first spawn of players

Question 14: Should Suspect and SWAT spawn at the same time, or should timer change based on certain factors?

Should work like in SWAT4! Same time, respawn every 30 seconds. The duration can be reduced to 10 seconds in a FFA or battle royale game mode.

Question 16: Should players have a way to get ammo after losing all of it? If yes, how?

No, just increase the magazine sizes by 1 or 2

Question 19: What features of SWAT 4 would you like to see return in RoN?

Everything from top to bottom, just better graphics, no bugs, improved AI (single player). Also add VOICE CHAT option in game. Almost every game possess this option.

BTW, please don't make it a slow game.. For example Arma 3 and Rb6 is slow games when compared to games like CoD4, apex legends, fortnite, even swat4. Your character should not be slow to move (without armor) and should rather be agile and fast when attacking, shooting, and pulling nades.

Also a server list is a MUST in the game.. Don't even consider matchmaking PLEASE! In the server list there can be servers (EU, MiddleEast, US) hosted by the DEVs, and also players can purchase/buy/host servers from 3rd party hosters like in swat4.. These features would be good..

Question 1:
What game modes would you like to see and what game modes do you think are still relevant and should be featured in the game?

- VIP (identical to SWAT4)

- RD (CS style, where the Suspects need to plant the bomb and SWAT have to defend sites/ defuse the bomb)

- Smash & Grab (suspects need to carry an object, usually a suitcase packed with top secret documents, etc, to a certain point, and SWAT have to do everything in their power to stop them)

- DM (deathmatch like in CS:GO, where you can train your aim against other players, with instant respawn and free-for-all, no teams involved. I'd remove the forced weapons selection; everyone should be free to choose their weapons and the winner should be the player with most kills, once the round time expires)


Question 2:
In SWAT 4, every player could carry around 5 grenades, which lead to situations where there are constant nade explosions and being stunned, which lead to many players having an unenjoyable time. How would you change the way grenades work?

Would you prefer to lower the amount of grenades and increase their effectiveness and damage output(2 grenades maximum, 3 sting grenades directly under a person may kill them)?

Should flash bangs that land extremely close to a person cause them to be stunned similar to a sting grenade?

Should looking away from flash bangs lower how long people are stunned compared to directly looking at it and be able to stun people wearing helmets for a short period of time(3 seconds)?

Should sting grenades have their effectiveness lowered a bit?

I'd like to hear more varied responses if possible.

- I'd limit the grenades to 2 per type (2x sting, 2x flash, 2x gas)

- The sting grenade should work just like in SWAT4, stunning the target if it lands near it (I'd prefer to have a maximum range in which the sting is effective and the stunning time to be the same, no matter how close or far it lands to the target)

- I'd prefer the flashbang to be unique and to work like this:
If it lands in front of you, you'll get blinded instantly (if you wear a helmet instead of mask, then the effect should be like 90% shorter, you should see just a small flash before your eyes then you're back in business, except if it lands really close to you, then it should work like a flash (again, if you wear a helmet, it should have a 90% shorter effect duration than if you'd wear a mask) + sting effect, but with a 75% shorter effect duration than the original sting grenade (both helmet and mask users should be affected in the same way).

If it lands behind you, at a really close distance, it should only work as a sting (no flash effect at all), stunning the player no matter if he wears a helmet or mask (the sting effect duration should be the same for both helmet and mask users). And of course, like I mentioned above, the stunning effect duration should be 75% shorter than the original sting grenade.


Question 3:
How many tactical aids should people be able to carry, and how many points of space should they consume?

For example, should a person with no armor have 6 tactical aid slots, light armor 4, and heavy armor 2-3? Should a wedge take 2 slots away or 1? Etc.

- There should be only 5 tactical aids slots, just like in SWAT4, and each item should consume 1 slot, no matter its type.

- I think that the players should have the same number of tactical aid slots no matter what type of armor they wear. The only difference the armor type should make is in the movement speed.


Question 4:
Should a Taser be considered a tactical aid, or a secondary weapon?

- The taser should be considered a secondary weapon.


Question 5:
Should SWAT and Suspects have the same weapons, different weapons, or a bit of both(AK47 for suspects, M4 for SWAT, MP5 for both)?

- I think that nowdays games are too much into this Hollywood bullshit, where the bad guys have AKs and the good guys have M4s. In real life there's no code of conduct for the bad guys, where it states that they are banned from using M4s or any other arsenal that the "good guys" are using, hahaha.

- That being said, I'm for allowing both teams to have identical arsenal. The only thing that should differentiate the good guys from the bad guys should be the player skins.


Question 6:
How would you balance weapon subtypes e.g SMGs, shotguns, ARs, pistols, less than lethal?

E.g Make ARs have less magazines, have more recoil, slower to equip/holster and have a slower ADS time? Make SMGs have more mags, less recoil, faster to equip and ADS, however less effective against heavily armored targets? Do try and include as much as you can for this.

- Rifles should do more damage than SMGs and handguns, but they should have bigger recoil compared to them.

- SMGs should have smaller recoil compared to rifles and shotguns, and more ammo than handguns.

- Handguns should have even smaller recoil than SMGs, but half the ammo.

- Shotguns should do more damage than any other weapon, and have a larger hitbox (you should be able to hit even 2 targets at once, if they're really close to each other), but they should have a way slower fire rate and bigger recoil than everything else. I also think that they should be able to hit a target at any distance, SWAT really messed up the shotguns by making them useless at medium-large distances, which is not realistic at all and pretty much made them useless and "disrespected" by everyone, which is a f*g shame.

- The draw time should be different for each type of weapon, but not with a too big of a difference.
For example:
Handguns (defined standard draw time)
SMGs +5% (5% slower draw time than handguns)
Rifles +5% (10% slower draw time than handguns)
Shotguns +5% (15% slower draw time than handguns)


Question 7:
In SWAT 4, weapons were only restricted to 2 types of firing modes. For example, the MP5 only has burst and semi, the gal has auto and semi, the M4 has auto and semi, the GB36s has burst and auto. Should this be brought back exclusively for the PvP game mode or would you prefer to have all 3 choices available(auto, burst, semi) and have an option to swap between your 2 preferred fire types(auto or semi, burst or semi, etc.)?

- I'm not really good with guns, but I'd prefer to have all 3 modes available at my discretion, as long as they are implemented in real life guns aswell. If they are not implemented in real life guns, then they should not be available in the game either.


Question 8:
Should maps reset completely after every lost/won round, or partially(exit door stays breached)?

- I'd like the map to reset completely once a round ends.


Question 9:
Wedges, after the exit is breached, loses all usability. How would you circumvent this problem so they aren't just something you put at the start of the round and forget about later?

Would you: make doors that are breached with the shotgun only unlock it, but not remove the wedge(manually have to remove it)? Will using C2 destroy the wedge and breach the door open? Will people be able to place wedges on breached doors?

- I'd keep the wedging system just like in SWAT4. If a door is breached with either shotgun or C2, then you shouldn't be able to wedge it, but like I said above, to make it fair for suspects, I'd reset the map completely once a round ends.


Question 10:
Should SWAT and Suspects be able to lock doors with their toolkits?

- No, they shouldn't be able to do that.


Question 11:
Should players be able to choose what their VIP can spawn with(pistol, grenade, etc)? If no, what should the VIP spawn with? If yes, what tactical aids and weapons can he choose from?

E.g, VIP can choose to have 1 sting grenade and pepper spray, or 2 stings and nothing else, or 1 flash 1 gas and pepper spray or 2 flash 2 gas no pepper? Can VIP choose to have Glock(low damage, 3 mags x 17 shots, medium spread at long range), M1911(medium damage, 3 mags x 8 shots, low spread at longe range), Python(high damage, 2 loads x 6 shots, low spread at long range)?

- I think that the VIP's equipment should be standard, only the server owners should be able to change it, just like in SWAT4.


Question 12:
The less than lethal shotgun - green gun - can deal damage based on range. Should the damage be disabled in VIP escort? If no, should dealing damage stop if the VIP has 1 HP? If the VIP has 1 HP, should shots to the head or torso be able to kill him? In addition, should the same apply to stinger grenades and flash bangs?

- The less lethal shotgun shouldn't do any damage, except stunning the target. The only exception should be when you are like 1mm distance to the target's head, then it should work like the breaching shotgun from SWAT4.


Question 13:
Should spawn killing be possible? If yes, to what extent can it be possible(e.g training map where people are always spawn killed due to having only one spawn area, or spawn areas shift but it's still possible to kill people by having 1 enemy in their spawn)?

- Spawn killing should definately be allowed, that's part of the game. I'd make 2 different spawn areas, REALLY CLOSE TO EACH OTHER, separated only by a wall or fence, depending on the enviroment. If a member of the opposite team is inside one of the spawn areas, then the other team should spawn on the other side.


Question 14:
Should Suspect and SWAT spawn at the same time, or should timer change based on certain factors?

E.g if SWAT have trouble getting VIP to exit(2 minutes left), suspects take a longer time to respawn after dying, and SWAT have a longer time to spawn if they're close to the exit with VIP and have plenty of time leftover(6-8 mins) to get VIP to the exit. For RD, SWAT have less time to respawn and suspects have more depending on how many bombs are defused, how much time the SWAT has left, etc.

- I think that they should spawn at the same time, no matter the circumstances.


Question 15:
If the VIP is caught more than one time, should the timer lower and by how much? In addition, if the VIP has a low amount of time to get to the exit(10-30 seconds), should suspects be able to kill the VIP on sight?

- I'd keep the system identical to the SWAT4 one, imo there's no need to fix something that isn't broken.


Question 16:
Should players have a way to get ammo after losing all of it? If yes, how?

- That sounds like a great idea. There should be a crate of ammo inside each spawn area and you'll just have to press the "use" button to replenish your ammo (only for ammo, no grenade replenishment).


Question 17:
What weapons did you dislike/feel was overpowered/underpowered in SWAT 4 that you'd like to see changed in RoN?

- I have only played with SMG for the past 8 years or so. For me all the other weapons felt much "heavier" in terms of repositioning the crosshair (or better said controlling the recoil) and mobility. As for the other weapons that were as small as the SMG, they were either doing less damage or they were very innacurate compared to it.


Question 18:
What new tactical aids would you like to see in RoN and that you would think would improve the PvP experience?

E.g an optiwand that's faster to equip and deploy(not slow and clunky like the old optiwand) that's able to see under doors and around corners, with a worser cam vision under doors.

- One non-replenishable first aid kit per player would be great. It should be able to give you +25% health (25 out of 100, duh). I think it should be placed into the tactical aid section, taking 1 slot out of 5, just like all the other gear.

- I'd also like an option for the suspects to barricade doors, just like in Rainbow Six Siege, but with some major differences. Only one suspect should get the option to barricade ONLY ONE door, per round, at its discretion (the barricade should dissapear the next round), and that door should only be able to be breached by C2, and nothing else. The suspect gaining that ability should be the one with the biggest score at the end of a round (first round should be random, since everyone's score is equal). This feature shouldn't take any slots from the tactical aid section, it should be considered a bonus.

- As for the SWAT team, their counterpart to the barricade should be ONLY ONE spy-drone, like in Rainbow Six Siege, again, with major differences. It should work like the optiwand, you should see on a monitor what's in front of the drone, and it should take around half a mag to destroy the drone. The player that gained the ability to deploy/use the drone should be able to pick it up and re-launch it wherever he wants to (its "health" should remain the same after you pick it up and re-launch it; if you picked it up with 1 hp left, then you re-deploy it with 1hp left). To prevent trolling, I think that only the person that deployed it should be able to use it and pick it up, and it should be immune to friendly fire (I know that is not too realistic, but is a game afterall). The SWAT member that got the ability to deploy/use the drone should be chosen identical to the one suspect that gets door barricade (random in the first round, by the score at the end of a round). Again, this feature shouldn't take any slots from the tactical aid section, it should be considered a bonus.


Question 19:
What features of SWAT 4 would you like to see return in RoN?

- Everything, I guess? I can't really think at a bad feature that SWAT4 possess.


Question 20: Same question, however with features that you'd like to see removed.

- Like I said above, I wouldn't remove anything, instead I'd use everything from SWAT4 as a foundation, and build on that.


- I beg you, do not implement a matchmaking system. I know that is a trend now to have matchmaking and ranks, but that's what ruined the whole family feeling of our community. Instead of having fun together as a whole, like we used to do in SWAT4, once we moved to CS:GO, our members split into 2 groups. One group played only matchmaking and were obsessed with their ranks and the other group just wanted to have fun on our dedicated server. On top of that, the matchmaking system in CS:GO allowed only 5 of our members to play at once, which put even more distance between ours members, making a lot of them to feel marginalised when they were not chosen to be a part of the matchmaking squad.

My dream game would have the same system as in SWAT4, which translates into official/community owned dedicated servers, where people can't wait to come and play and have fun with the guys that they've met the previous day(s), and have that close-family feeling like we used to have in SWAT4! To me that's what online gaming is all about, binding people together and making them feel at home EVERY SINGLE TIME they join their favourite server(s)! The anticipation of guessing who'll join the server next, greeting them like I would greet a family member, and having a great time together is not worth sacrificing by implementing a mediocre matchmaking system. There's no doubt in my mind that that's what kept SWAT4 alive for so many bloody years!

- Also, please add an in-game voice chat, just like in CS:GO. Before a round starts, you should be able to hear everyone, including the opposite team members, but once a round starts, the voice chat should be restricted only to teammates.

Question 1: What game modes would you like to see and what game modes do you think are still relevant and should be featured in the game?

VIP, RD, BS, COOP, COOPQMM, FFA (basically deatchmatch - good for practise and warmup)

Question 2: In SWAT 4, every player could carry around 5 grenades, which lead to situations where there are constant nade explosions and being stunned, which lead to many players having an unenjoyable time. How would you change the way grenades work?

Would you prefer to lower the amount of grenades and increase their effectiveness and damage output(2 grenades maximum, 3 sting grenades directly under a person may kill them)?

Should flash bangs that land extremely close to a person cause them to be stunned similar to a sting grenade?

Should looking away from flash bangs lower how long people are stunned compared to directly looking at it and be able to stun people wearing helmets for a short period of time(3 seconds)?

Should sting grenades have their effectiveness lowered a bit?

I'd like to hear more varied responses if possible.

I feel the grenade count should not be limited, however players can have 5 equipment slots - not everytime is a grenade best option, you might need a wedge or whatever new things come in RoN so in general you will not equip 5 grenades. BUT sometimes you might want to have one player be a nader and he carries 5 nades or something - it is all tactics and you can't really prevent the "nade-rain" - sooner or later you will go in for a kill.

Flashbangs should blind and deafen like in SWAT if you look at them, if you look away you get 90% less of the blinding effect. If you wear mask, the deafen effect is maximum but if you wear helmet the deafen effect is 90% shorter. To prevent unbalance when someone is carrying mask (because gas will not effect them) we can make gas grenades have a delayed effect to compensate - for example you get affected slowly over time span of 5s and when 5s are done you can barely see and you cough so cant shoot anymore etc.

Stings should be the same but imo the effect should have a falloff with distance - like gravity :D Otherwise not really realistic nor fun getting stinged by a nade 10m from you for 10s

Question 3: How many tactical aids should people be able to carry, and how many points of space should they consume?

This requires testing and it highly depends on the gear available so I will leave this for later.

Question 4: Should a Taser be considered a tactical aid, or a secondary weapon?

Secondary. Also depends of weapons brought in with RoN, you could have taser with you at all times (everyone has it) but the ammo takes some slots. There are many options but I would leave it as it is in SWAT4 until we see all the weapon choices and how the game plays out.

Question 5: Should SWAT and Suspects have the same weapons, different weapons, or a bit of both(AK47 for suspects, M4 for SWAT, MP5 for both)?

Depends of one thing: "can you pickup weapons from the ground?"

If yes, make them distinct for the two teams. That will cause more initiative and penalty if you rush in and give away your weapon.
If not, then make them same for both teams.

Question 6: How would you balance weapon subtypes e.g SMGs, shotguns, ARs, pistols, less than lethal?


Question 7: In SWAT 4, weapons were only restricted to 2 types of firing modes. For example, the MP5 only has burst and semi, the gal has auto and semi, the M4 has auto and semi, the GB36s has burst and auto. Should this be brought back exclusively for the PvP game mode or would you prefer to have all 3 choices available(auto, burst, semi) and have an option to swap between your 2 preferred fire types(auto or semi, burst or semi, etc.)?

// TODO linked with above question

Question 8: Should maps reset completely after every lost/won round, or partially(exit door stays breached)?

Make an option to do so - who wants it can use it. Everyone happy. By default it can be off for public games on all modes except COOP which will have it on by default.

Question 9: Wedges, after the exit is breached, loses all usability. How would you circumvent this problem so they aren't just something you put at the start of the round and forget about later?

Would you: make doors that are breached with the shotgun only unlock it, but not remove the wedge(manually have to remove it)? Will using C2 destroy the wedge and breach the door open? Will people be able to place wedges on breached doors?

I would make breached doors be unique, different from SWAT4 system. Breached doors can still be "closed", but there will be a hole at where the handle is (if doors are wooden) or a curvature if they are metal doors. That way nades can come in through that small hole or you can see partially inside. Just seemed unrealistic to me that you breach a door in SWAT and they just magically sit welded unable to be moved. I don't mind that though, just feels it would be more interesting with a more realistic scenario.

Question 10: Should SWAT and Suspects be able to lock doors with their toolkits?

Why not? It can definitely bring some tactics into play.

Question 11: Should players be able to choose what their VIP can spawn with(pistol, grenade, etc)? If no, what should the VIP spawn with? If yes, what tactical aids and weapons can he choose from?

This is another flaw of VIP mode. Why doesn't VIP take some guns instead of his pistol? :D I would honestly make it like this: VIP can't wield ARs or SMGs (any kind of primary weap actually) but he can wield pistols with nerfed reload speed, firing speed etc. But in exchange he can swap (if picking up is allowed, or choose at the begining) pistols as the round goes on.

Question 12: The less than lethal shotgun - green gun - can deal damage based on range. Should the damage be disabled in VIP escort? If no, should dealing damage stop if the VIP has 1 HP? If the VIP has 1 HP, should shots to the head or torso be able to kill him? In addition, should the same apply to stinger grenades and flash bangs?

Stings and flashes should deal damage, flashes much less though. I would leave LL same as in SWAT4, but then again, kinda unreal shooting someone in head 100x with LL ammo and nothing happens :D Idk, will think more about this.

Question 13: Should spawn killing be possible? If yes, to what extent can it be possible(e.g training map where people are always spawn killed due to having only one spawn area, or spawn areas shift but it's still possible to kill people by having 1 enemy in their spawn)?

Too long to write, just one idea I had in meantime. Make first player who dies before spawn to be sniper, which has eyes on spawn and spawn entrances - so he can clear respawn area if enemy comes in. Still, you can swarm the spawn but still it will be very hard because you can't shoot back the sniper and he has 1hko ammo or whatever. Thought about this in wc btw.

Question 14: Should Suspect and SWAT spawn at the same time, or should timer change based on certain factors?

E.g if SWAT have trouble getting VIP to exit(2 minutes left), suspects take a longer time to respawn after dying, and SWAT have a longer time to spawn if they're close to the exit with VIP and have plenty of time leftover(6-8 mins) to get VIP to the exit. For RD, SWAT have less time to respawn and suspects have more depending on how many bombs are defused, how much time the SWAT has left, etc.

Have to see how it plays out, also depends of answer to previous question.

Question 15: If the VIP is caught more than one time, should the timer lower and by how much? In addition, if the VIP has a low amount of time to get to the exit(10-30 seconds), should suspects be able to kill the VIP on sight?

Yes, lower it by for example 10%. Actually I agree with that killing VIP on sight in last half of minute. It would prevent the (I won't name anything) tactic of staying in spawn waiting last 2 minutes. Also the time should be relative to the roundtime, if VIP is arrested in last minute, then extend roundtime to 2min.

Question 16: Should players have a way to get ammo after losing all of it? If yes, how?

Pickup from ground if pickup is allowed, from dead teammates if they share ammo type with you.

Question 17: What weapons did you dislike/feel was overpowered/underpowered in SWAT 4 that you'd like to see changed in RoN?


Question 18: What new tactical aids would you like to see in RoN and that you would think would improve the PvP experience?

E.g an optiwand that's faster to equip and deploy(not slow and clunky like the old optiwand) that's able to see under doors and around corners, with a worser cam vision under doors.


Question 19: What features of SWAT 4 would you like to see return in RoN?


Question 20: Same question, however with features that you'd like to see removed.