- Dec 30, 2018
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Hey everyone! I'm pretty sure all of you know me by now(mainly for the folks on the WM forums), but I'd like to fully introduce myself here once more for all those who don't know. My name is TCR - or Mohamed - and I've been playing SWAT 4 since 2016.
During these years, I played a bit of co-op, help out eezstreet on his SWAT 4 PvE mod - 'Elite Force' - and mainly VIP Escort due to the lack of RD players. I have taken plenty of my leisure time to learn grenade tricks, evaluate strategic positions, learn spawn points and etc. to improve my PvP skills as I love SWAT 4 PvP as much as you guys do. During this time, a game called 'Ready or Not' was announced, and is to include PvP modes from SWAT 4 - mainly VIP Escort. As of now, I have been a moderator of the Ready or Not Discord and subreddit, and have some form of control over the design of PvP in Ready or Not. Now, as a heads up, the game is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT when it comes to how guns work, the amount of items you can carry, movement speed, etc. With this in mind, the game will have to be balanced in certain ways that'll allow newcomers and pros to enjoy the game as much as possible while still retaining the good stuff of SWAT 4's PvP and cannot just be 1:1 replica of it.
Now, with that out of the way, here are the questions! P.S: All of the questions are open-ended(some do have options, but you can type whatever you want!), but do try to keep it concise and direct if possible.
Question 1: What game modes would you like to see and what game modes do you think are still relevant and should be featured in the game?
Question 2: In SWAT 4, every player could carry around 5 grenades, which lead to situations where there are constant nade explosions and being stunned, which lead to many players having an unenjoyable time. How would you change the way grenades work?
Would you prefer to lower the amount of grenades and increase their effectiveness and damage output(2 grenades maximum, 3 sting grenades directly under a person may kill them)?
Should flash bangs that land extremely close to a person cause them to be stunned similar to a sting grenade?
Should looking away from flash bangs lower how long people are stunned compared to directly looking at it and be able to stun people wearing helmets for a short period of time(3 seconds)?
Should sting grenades have their effectiveness lowered a bit?
I'd like to hear more varied responses if possible.
Question 3: How many tactical aids should people be able to carry, and how many points of space should they consume?
For example, should a person with no armor have 6 tactical aid slots, light armor 4, and heavy armor 2-3? Should a wedge take 2 slots away or 1? Etc.
Question 4: Should a Taser be considered a tactical aid, or a secondary weapon?
Question 5: Should SWAT and Suspects have the same weapons, different weapons, or a bit of both(AK47 for suspects, M4 for SWAT, MP5 for both)?
Question 6: How would you balance weapon subtypes e.g SMGs, shotguns, ARs, pistols, less than lethal?
E.g Make ARs have less magazines, have more recoil, slower to equip/holster and have a slower ADS time? Make SMGs have more mags, less recoil, faster to equip and ADS, however less effective against heavily armored targets? Do try and include as much as you can for this.
Question 7: In SWAT 4, weapons were only restricted to 2 types of firing modes. For example, the MP5 only has burst and semi, the gal has auto and semi, the M4 has auto and semi, the GB36s has burst and auto. Should this be brought back exclusively for the PvP game mode or would you prefer to have all 3 choices available(auto, burst, semi) and have an option to swap between your 2 preferred fire types(auto or semi, burst or semi, etc.)?
Question 8: Should maps reset completely after every lost/won round, or partially(exit door stays breached)?
Question 9: Wedges, after the exit is breached, loses all usability. How would you circumvent this problem so they aren't just something you put at the start of the round and forget about later?
Would you: make doors that are breached with the shotgun only unlock it, but not remove the wedge(manually have to remove it)? Will using C2 destroy the wedge and breach the door open? Will people be able to place wedges on breached doors?
Question 10: Should SWAT and Suspects be able to lock doors with their toolkits?
Question 11: Should players be able to choose what their VIP can spawn with(pistol, grenade, etc)? If no, what should the VIP spawn with? If yes, what tactical aids and weapons can he choose from?
E.g, VIP can choose to have 1 sting grenade and pepper spray, or 2 stings and nothing else, or 1 flash 1 gas and pepper spray or 2 flash 2 gas no pepper? Can VIP choose to have Glock(low damage, 3 mags x 17 shots, medium spread at long range), M1911(medium damage, 3 mags x 8 shots, low spread at longe range), Python(high damage, 2 loads x 6 shots, low spread at long range)?
Question 12: The less than lethal shotgun - green gun - can deal damage based on range. Should the damage be disabled in VIP escort? If no, should dealing damage stop if the VIP has 1 HP? If the VIP has 1 HP, should shots to the head or torso be able to kill him? In addition, should the same apply to stinger grenades and flash bangs?
Question 13: Should spawn killing be possible? If yes, to what extent can it be possible(e.g training map where people are always spawn killed due to having only one spawn area, or spawn areas shift but it's still possible to kill people by having 1 enemy in their spawn)?
Question 14: Should Suspect and SWAT spawn at the same time, or should timer change based on certain factors?
E.g if SWAT have trouble getting VIP to exit(2 minutes left), suspects take a longer time to respawn after dying, and SWAT have a longer time to spawn if they're close to the exit with VIP and have plenty of time leftover(6-8 mins) to get VIP to the exit. For RD, SWAT have less time to respawn and suspects have more depending on how many bombs are defused, how much time the SWAT has left, etc.
Question 15: If the VIP is caught more than one time, should the timer lower and by how much? In addition, if the VIP has a low amount of time to get to the exit(10-30 seconds), should suspects be able to kill the VIP on sight?
Question 16: Should players have a way to get ammo after losing all of it? If yes, how?
Question 17: What weapons did you dislike/feel was overpowered/underpowered in SWAT 4 that you'd like to see changed in RoN?
Question 18: What new tactical aids would you like to see in RoN and that you would think would improve the PvP experience?
E.g an optiwand that's faster to equip and deploy(not slow and clunky like the old optiwand) that's able to see under doors and around corners, with a worser cam vision under doors.
Question 19: What features of SWAT 4 would you like to see return in RoN?
Question 20: Same question, however with features that you'd like to see removed.
That's all I have to ask for now, hope to see your answers soon!
During these years, I played a bit of co-op, help out eezstreet on his SWAT 4 PvE mod - 'Elite Force' - and mainly VIP Escort due to the lack of RD players. I have taken plenty of my leisure time to learn grenade tricks, evaluate strategic positions, learn spawn points and etc. to improve my PvP skills as I love SWAT 4 PvP as much as you guys do. During this time, a game called 'Ready or Not' was announced, and is to include PvP modes from SWAT 4 - mainly VIP Escort. As of now, I have been a moderator of the Ready or Not Discord and subreddit, and have some form of control over the design of PvP in Ready or Not. Now, as a heads up, the game is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT when it comes to how guns work, the amount of items you can carry, movement speed, etc. With this in mind, the game will have to be balanced in certain ways that'll allow newcomers and pros to enjoy the game as much as possible while still retaining the good stuff of SWAT 4's PvP and cannot just be 1:1 replica of it.
Now, with that out of the way, here are the questions! P.S: All of the questions are open-ended(some do have options, but you can type whatever you want!), but do try to keep it concise and direct if possible.
Question 1: What game modes would you like to see and what game modes do you think are still relevant and should be featured in the game?
Question 2: In SWAT 4, every player could carry around 5 grenades, which lead to situations where there are constant nade explosions and being stunned, which lead to many players having an unenjoyable time. How would you change the way grenades work?
Would you prefer to lower the amount of grenades and increase their effectiveness and damage output(2 grenades maximum, 3 sting grenades directly under a person may kill them)?
Should flash bangs that land extremely close to a person cause them to be stunned similar to a sting grenade?
Should looking away from flash bangs lower how long people are stunned compared to directly looking at it and be able to stun people wearing helmets for a short period of time(3 seconds)?
Should sting grenades have their effectiveness lowered a bit?
I'd like to hear more varied responses if possible.
Question 3: How many tactical aids should people be able to carry, and how many points of space should they consume?
For example, should a person with no armor have 6 tactical aid slots, light armor 4, and heavy armor 2-3? Should a wedge take 2 slots away or 1? Etc.
Question 4: Should a Taser be considered a tactical aid, or a secondary weapon?
Question 5: Should SWAT and Suspects have the same weapons, different weapons, or a bit of both(AK47 for suspects, M4 for SWAT, MP5 for both)?
Question 6: How would you balance weapon subtypes e.g SMGs, shotguns, ARs, pistols, less than lethal?
E.g Make ARs have less magazines, have more recoil, slower to equip/holster and have a slower ADS time? Make SMGs have more mags, less recoil, faster to equip and ADS, however less effective against heavily armored targets? Do try and include as much as you can for this.
Question 7: In SWAT 4, weapons were only restricted to 2 types of firing modes. For example, the MP5 only has burst and semi, the gal has auto and semi, the M4 has auto and semi, the GB36s has burst and auto. Should this be brought back exclusively for the PvP game mode or would you prefer to have all 3 choices available(auto, burst, semi) and have an option to swap between your 2 preferred fire types(auto or semi, burst or semi, etc.)?
Question 8: Should maps reset completely after every lost/won round, or partially(exit door stays breached)?
Question 9: Wedges, after the exit is breached, loses all usability. How would you circumvent this problem so they aren't just something you put at the start of the round and forget about later?
Would you: make doors that are breached with the shotgun only unlock it, but not remove the wedge(manually have to remove it)? Will using C2 destroy the wedge and breach the door open? Will people be able to place wedges on breached doors?
Question 10: Should SWAT and Suspects be able to lock doors with their toolkits?
Question 11: Should players be able to choose what their VIP can spawn with(pistol, grenade, etc)? If no, what should the VIP spawn with? If yes, what tactical aids and weapons can he choose from?
E.g, VIP can choose to have 1 sting grenade and pepper spray, or 2 stings and nothing else, or 1 flash 1 gas and pepper spray or 2 flash 2 gas no pepper? Can VIP choose to have Glock(low damage, 3 mags x 17 shots, medium spread at long range), M1911(medium damage, 3 mags x 8 shots, low spread at longe range), Python(high damage, 2 loads x 6 shots, low spread at long range)?
Question 12: The less than lethal shotgun - green gun - can deal damage based on range. Should the damage be disabled in VIP escort? If no, should dealing damage stop if the VIP has 1 HP? If the VIP has 1 HP, should shots to the head or torso be able to kill him? In addition, should the same apply to stinger grenades and flash bangs?
Question 13: Should spawn killing be possible? If yes, to what extent can it be possible(e.g training map where people are always spawn killed due to having only one spawn area, or spawn areas shift but it's still possible to kill people by having 1 enemy in their spawn)?
Question 14: Should Suspect and SWAT spawn at the same time, or should timer change based on certain factors?
E.g if SWAT have trouble getting VIP to exit(2 minutes left), suspects take a longer time to respawn after dying, and SWAT have a longer time to spawn if they're close to the exit with VIP and have plenty of time leftover(6-8 mins) to get VIP to the exit. For RD, SWAT have less time to respawn and suspects have more depending on how many bombs are defused, how much time the SWAT has left, etc.
Question 15: If the VIP is caught more than one time, should the timer lower and by how much? In addition, if the VIP has a low amount of time to get to the exit(10-30 seconds), should suspects be able to kill the VIP on sight?
Question 16: Should players have a way to get ammo after losing all of it? If yes, how?
Question 17: What weapons did you dislike/feel was overpowered/underpowered in SWAT 4 that you'd like to see changed in RoN?
Question 18: What new tactical aids would you like to see in RoN and that you would think would improve the PvP experience?
E.g an optiwand that's faster to equip and deploy(not slow and clunky like the old optiwand) that's able to see under doors and around corners, with a worser cam vision under doors.
Question 19: What features of SWAT 4 would you like to see return in RoN?
Question 20: Same question, however with features that you'd like to see removed.
That's all I have to ask for now, hope to see your answers soon!
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