Osama Bin Laden is dead.

finaly this fucker is dead.... no1 should live life wich thiere goal is to take othere people life
AIG said:
finaly this fucker is dead.... no1 should live life wich thiere goal is to take othere people life
i could say the same about alot of other stuff happening. But i wont cuz i know ppl from this server will suffer from it.
FiliX78 said:
u forgot to spray with LMG :D
hahah kiss my ass :D
Maybe he was killed by teammate...
Like when raiden want to trow nade and it fail and kill half team :)
He did not get the latest MarkMode in the house, thats why spawn protection did not work :)
new cod4 map incomming ;D mp_osama swat should have this map for vip :)
This strange story! any photographs with dead bin Laden! body thrown into the sea, so what is this fuck!!!!??? While 10 years could not find, but once and is dead!
looool some ppl say he died from disease long ago xD
that would pretty much own USA..
i don't like USA, they are all fucked up stupid, they think europe is a country, or think Amsterdam is a country lolololol..
how could they be so stupid, i always wonder.. and yet they kinda control the world,
we should bomb them for being stupid and trying to control the world..
maybe blow up their biggest buildings or something like that would help maybe? ..
'[DAIS said:
looool some ppl say he died from disease long ago xD
that would pretty much own USA..
i don't like USA, they are all fucked up stupid, they think europe is a country, or think Amsterdam is a country lolololol..
how could they be so stupid, i always wonder.. and yet they kinda control the world,
we should bomb them for being stupid and trying to control the world..
maybe blow up their biggest buildings or something like that would help maybe? ..

lool in fact there were. U think it was made by talibans? looool