Marcus application!

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May 26, 2013
hello guys,

im Marco on call of duty 4 its marcus:)

i want to apply for the wm clan.

im almost online evry day. im always playing in wm servers and i like the members who are in the clan at the moment.

i play cod for about 5-6 years.

i have played in some teams-clans bevore. thier skill was high. played night cups in one step closer. maybe unkown to you but we where very good:) till our friend perz1k started hacking we split up.

hope i can join the wm clan:)


nice guy, friendly, on our TS frequently. Stolen him away for the odd mix or two. Wish you the best of luck with application
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Marcus
you did the best by applying immediately marcus. if you become intimate with them first and then apply; they call you an asslicker.
ps: ceee is the head provocative. he thinks himself a god or something. but he doesn't know that he is an anti-social boy who seeks power in internet.
the sociological research shows that people who don't have power in real life try to reach the power through internet.
Tomatojuice said:
you did the best by applying immediately marcus. if you become intimate with them first and then apply; they call you an asslicker.
ps: ceee is the head provocative. he thinks himself a god or something. but he doesn't know that he is an anti-social boy who seeks power in internet.
the sociological research shows that people who don't have power in real life try to reach the power through internet.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: TBerty
Tomatojuice said:
you did the best by applying immediately marcus. if you become intimate with them first and then apply; they call you an asslicker.
ps: ceee is the head provocative. he thinks himself a god or something. but he doesn't know that he is an anti-social boy who seeks power in internet.
the sociological research shows that people who don't have power in real life try to reach the power through internet.
Tomatojuice said:
you did the best by applying immediately marcus. if you become intimate with them first and then apply; they call you an asslicker.
ps: ceee is the head provocative. he thinks himself a god or something. but he doesn't know that he is an anti-social boy who seeks power in internet.
the sociological research shows that people who don't have power in real life try to reach the power through internet.
Man what the hell are you on about. I don't know Marcus because I don't play promod, but promod guys said he's been active there and that's good enough for me, he just registered on the forums now and applied. You can't go about dissing the clan as a whole just because you're still butthurt about your failed application.

And I don't know what that says about you and your character when you go about calling people anti-social boy gods on the internet.

P.S. Sociological researches suck.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
I dont expect from ignorant people to understand sociological researches anyway. you are also one of the hypocrites. I didnt say something bad to all clan. I said something to those who know themselves as hypocrites.

I dont understant you guyz. when I behave good, you say that I'm an asslicker. when I become mean, you say that I crossed the line.

PS: you still think that I have butthurt due to failed application. I'm saying these things, because, even the closest people stabbed me from my back. for what? online game?..
Tomatojuice said:
I dont expect from ignorant people to understand sociological researches anyway. you are also one of the hypocrites. I didnt say something bad to all clan. I said something to those who know themselves as hypocrites.

I dont understant you guyz. when I behave good, you say that I'm an asslicker. when I become mean, you say that I crossed the line.
maybe you should try to find a balance
Tomatojuice said:
I didnt say something bad to all clan. I said something to those who know themselves as hypocrites.
"if you become intimate with them first and then apply; they call you an asslicker." This concerns the whole clan, am I right?

How am I a hypocrite, please explain. You and I are both on this server for the same time or you even some more than me. I always thought you were a shitter at the beginning (skill-wise), but we got along good and you were okay. Then came that shit with applejuice and you came raging on the forums, and your topic about the trial application showed your impatience towards the admins' decisions when you had to create a new topic asking if we decided already and how long you have to wait and you demanded those answers not to mention you acting like you're in WM already. Tell me how does it look to you if one guy rages about some shit on the forum, then on the server he's like hey wm bro etc.

And to be honest, I have nothing personal against you, but I voted no for you judging on your behaviour which would bring the clan nothing good.
Also, after your application failed and up till now I actually thought you were behaving good. You were active on the forum, you were cool on the server and I thought okay, tomato's not a guy to hold grudges, but then you wrote this here.

Sorry for offtopic, but I had to say this. Some mod's probably gonna delete this anyway or something.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: UFO
Tomatojuice said:
come on ceee, you have uGa in your clan. he is the most childish person I've ever seen. If you have that one in your clan, I query your criterias on your clan.

look, i'm sure that when cee sees this post, he will lock it, or he will ban me, or he will do something in which he can show his power(which is not real). I behave good to everyone but, they give me rough answers and behaviours. and you blamed me with many things that I didnt do actually...
Just one last thing:

10+ guys voted no for you on the application because of your behaviour so I don't know anymore if we're all stupid and just made random shit up or there's some truth to your negative vibe, not to mention you just openly bashed on two fellow members. Sorry mate, but you've had your chances and I'm really sorry if you don't know how to use them.

/i'm off.
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