Marcus application!

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what you still dont understand is that I dont care about the clan. I didnt rage to anyone, I shared my friend's ban, and I said that he never used hax. and everybody claimed that he used hax. They didn't listen what I told them.

about voting; I think ceee affected many of you by saying the things I've done in different way.

yes I know, I'm being rude now. But in normal, I didn't do anything bad to anyone. and ufo,jetty and krazyfire didnt vote me no. they didn't get affected by ceee, or they are capable of understanding what I really am.

ps: damn, I've been playing before you, even before uga and ghost, zar, alex. etc. If I wanted to join the clan, I would have done this by now.

and damn, stop calling me shitter(skill-wise), you are not better than me. you are just saying it to make me sorry. I know how I play. If you play on my laptop, I don't know how you would play anyway. I don't care playing good, I like playing because it gives me fun. grow up.
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Tomato you stupid little fuck. I DIDIN'T mention any of those things @ the poll. I wrote there "My vote is NO".

You still mad cause your asslicking didin't work? Well I'm not the one to be blaimed you fucking muslim. Yes I will show you the power of BANHAMMER tonight :D And fu KF, you expect me to be nice towards this retard?

Edit: So how did I use my power on your case exactly? If we don't count the thingy that I will IP ban you later tonight? :D By saying that my vote is no? If you don't care about joining the xlan, why did you apply? For what reason you said that I'm a kid using my power I only have in internet? How can you know this? I think you're just one fucking Jihad kid among the others who don't even understand themselves what they're saying. You have rime to answer until 18.00pm cet.

If you don't know the facts, don't you fucking dare to come here blame me about everything. Shitter.
+ You really aren't even half as good in CoD as damn, rofl.
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Tomatojuice said:
what you still dont understand is that I dont care about the clan. I didnt rage to anyone, I shared my friend's ban, and I said that he never used hax. and everybody claimed that he used hax. They didn't listen what I told them.

about voting; I think ceee affected many of you by saying the things I've done in different way.

yes I know, I'm being rude now. But in normal, I didn't do anything bad to anyone. and ufo,jetty and krazyfire didnt vote me no. they didn't get affected by ceee, or they are capable of understanding what I really am.

ps: damn, I've been playing before you, even before uga and ghost, zar, alex. etc. If I wanted to join the clan, I would have done this by now.

and damn, stop calling me shitter(skill-wise), you are not better than me. you are just saying it to make me sorry. I know how I play. If you play on my laptop, I don't know how you would play anyway. I don't care playing good, I like playing because it gives me fun. grow up.
2 weeks ago you wanted to join the clan, now you're saying you don't care about the clan and that you could've joined by now if you wanted to.
Regarding the ban it's you that didn't listen to the admins. They told you that he was GGC banned and they can't do anything about it. He got banned for WH or something back in 2009 and they explained to you that he can play again if he gets a new key. I understand that his key might've been stolen or he bought it from someone after this, but we can't just believe anyone who comes on the forum telling that his key was stolen and they got banned because of this because then there's no need for GGC at all + Applejuice should've written the appeal himself.

About the voting, man you seriously have too much know-it-all-ness. You just fucking know everything that goes on in this clan and how we base our decisions, right? Like Cee said, he wrote in the poll that he votes no, and he didn't affect nobody. I based my vote on your behaviour. I am allowed to express my own opinion and that's what I did. KF, Jetty and UFO have their own opinion and I respect that, but I had reasons, which you provided, to change my opinion from positive to negative.

Regarding the shitter :D Just forget about this, I just told you how I felt about you as a player when I first met you like a year and a half ago and I never said that I'm better than you.
tomato stop bullshitting please,ive been on ur side and u know that but now ur speaking abt things that u cant know.some of the forum admins why dnt u bring his applicayion in the public area so he can see himself how it was?
Tomato mate wtf are you doing?Why are you attack people here?I have tell you private we cant much all with all people here but dont be roud you lose your right .
In some points i agree with damn and with other points with you tomato that doesnt make me to like you more or less.Υou know i like you but like big bro you have to listen me.
Stay calm for people now you better here cause many here dont like this agreesive behavor.
They same is for all of us WM members.
Dont exchange hard words except you are friend with someone so you can insult someone easy ;)
And the forum tomato is very democratic if we like someone we vote yes if we dont like no,its easy and all accepted ,members or not.
And dont open again topic or you post again about your trial,ill ask for ban you from forum.
If people here change minds about you, you will be invite to join clan if you want,Thats all.

Sorry for out of topic but im tired with this.

Marcus welcome mate:) 3 words for you on this long post ....sry :P
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Reactions: Ryu and damn
all I can say that I was out of patience. I couldn't stop anymore. sorry jetty and ufo. I don't see any democracy here.

when I shared my friend's ban, many people said that my friend used ban. after, I said that he didnt use hax, again many people insisted that he did. I just raged a bit about it, nothing more. then, When I said again no he didn't, they said that there is nothing to do and he should get a new key. And, I said ok thanks. ceee gave me some help about how we can apply for unban. and the end of story about it. there were no raging from myside, you are the people who didn't believe me and were rude at me. I didnt raise my voice anymore.

about my appliance. I said that I could have applied long before IF I wanted. The reason that I applied is that I find myself close to many of you. And being in the clan might have been good thing. After I applied, many of you called me "an asslicker", and I think I have right to defend myself from these bullshits. actually, I don't care anymore what you think about me; because I know who I am. I was never so close to everyone, just jetson, ufo maybe. anyways.

about ceee, I've never liked you, because you are mean to everyone, not just to me. becoming a leader in internet doesn't make you somebody superior than us. you prefer to be rude rather than being friendly and helpful. AND, you sweared at islam and muslims, BUT, you should know that krazyfire is muslim too. I dont understand how old you are. BY THE WAY, your slang language was for nothing, because I'm an atheist. But, your language and attitudes are nutcase.

many of you don't know how uGa talked to me, SO, you are also talking on the issues that YOU DON'T know.
Damn was a good guy until he got in the clan. After that, he started to be an REAL asslicker. also Ghost same. We were talking everyday before they get in the clan, and after that, after poll, they are completely different people than who I knew before.

I don't expect from anyone to support me, because you are the people connected to each other, and I know you can't see the things objectively from that perspective. Even though some of you understand me, they don't appear not to risk their position in the clan.

No need to talk anymore. I will not talk with the people who don't want to talk with me. If Ceee bans me, goodbye to everyone. If he does not, I just enter and play and talk with people who don't rage to me. That's all.
Ok tomato, we all see your point. I wrote a long post to you some time ago, I will paste it here later if I find it.

there's no point to continue with this. so topic locked.

Ceee we know your opinion, so no need to answer again to him (I can't lock topic for you :D)
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