intellectual and intelligent spam

That reminds me of an old joke / game. You ask someone to reply to some questions as fast as possible, and then you just ask for the color of white things. "what color have clouds? White. What color has my shirt? White. What color has snow? White." And so on... Then, after 5 or 6 questions, you ask "What do cows drink?" 99 peace T of all people will reply "Milk", tho "Water" is correct. (Yes I know that calves drink milk, but an adult cow does not.)

This is used as an example on how you can provoke a Freudian error artificially in linguistics.
  • L (D) i k e
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beeswax said:
That reminds me of an old joke / game. You ask someone to reply to some questions as fast as possible, and then you just ask for the color of white things. "what color have clouds? White. What color has my shirt? White. What color has snow? White." And so on... Then, after 5 or 6 questions, you ask "What do cows drink?" 99 peace T of all people will reply "Milk", tho "Water" is correct. (Yes I know that calves drink milk, but an adult cow does not.)
This is used as an example on how you can provoke a Freudian error artificially in linguistics.
Haha yeah, used to fall for that one :D But I always thought that it had to do with the connection between cow and milk we established in our minds, so when someone mentiones cow (especially with white repeated all the time), we respond with milk. Maybe I'm wrong but with other stuff it would be harder to make a mistake. Dunno what Freudian error is :/

But even while I was reading this I fell for it again :D
MagnetO said:
Well, I saw the video only for 1 min until now, but when you have an infint math-task there´s only one solution. There is none coz it´s infinit. Only person who can solve that is chuck norris who counted till infinity twice. :P
Infinite series can be converged u noob! Its fourier's formula
What if i told you, you can devide even by -0 ?
Actually there is more than few fucking variants, when you divide by zero. And answers can be "plus infinity" "minus infinity" and etc.
I uesd to study this first semester in university. And nope, zugi, that's not special vodka math.