intellectual and intelligent spam

The things is, that if you want to, for example go to another planet, you will need knowledge from ALL of the uppermentioned science branches.
  • You need computers, to pilot the spaceship, and control everything.
  • You need obvously physics, maths and astronomy, to calculate paths and orbits, speed of certain objects in space so you don't collide with them etc etc.
  • You need chemistry, to find best materials to build your ship so it won't use much fuel or even artificially make materials strong on micro levels.
  • You need enginners to put the ship parts together etc.
And what i'm trying to say, is when you see on news for example: "Scientists landed a ship onto a comet". And you wonder why. We already know what comets are made of. It is just a test of human intelligence, using all knowledge from all branches of science, to do something that 100 years ago was unimaginable and show how successful we can be.

Those guys which are fanatics and want to solve something because they want to show the world they are better (not because humanity needs their research) are also nececary, because we did some of our biggest achievements just because someone said: "We can't let them be better!" Want example? Moon landing. Typical race between USSR and USA. Russians first put human in space, so what does America do? Puts human on the moon.

That is how we, humans, work. Without competition there will never be success. I am one of those ppl, who will try to do something till it is done. And I won't quit until I do it. All of us surely had some situation like that. But we aren't focusing on same thing. Those ppl who you mentioned, are focused on math problems, so you can't blame them for wanting to solve them so badly :)
  • L (D) i k e
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Linux said:
The things is, that if you want to, for example go to another planet, you will need knowledge from ALL of the uppermentioned science branches.
  • You need computers, to pilot the spaceship, and control everything.
  • You need obvously physics, maths and astronomy, to calculate paths and orbits, speed of certain objects in space so you don't collide with them etc etc.
  • You need chemistry, to find best materials to build your ship so it won't use much fuel or even artificially make materials strong on micro levels.
  • You need enginners to put the ship parts together etc.
I’d argue that you need a few astrophysicists, a few material engineers, a few aeronautical engineers, a few computer scientists, programmers, and a few electrical and electronic engineers. But I’d tell the pure mathematician to stay the fuck away :D

Linux said:
That is how we, humans, work. Without competition there will never be success. I am one of those ppl, who will try to do something till it is done. And I won't quit until I do it. All of us surely had some situation like that.
I can definitely agree with this. Healthy competition leads to progress.There are other big motivators as well. For example, today the biggest driving force between scientific research is probably consumerism. Ultimately the most productive research is one where there is a well-defined goal.

Linux said:
Those ppl who you mentioned, are focused on math problems, so you can't blame them for wanting to solve them so badly :)
I don’t blame them. It’s their time, and you can never blame someone for making a living doing something they enjoy. I may have an opinion on organizations that provide research funding to these people but that’s not my business either. In fact governments and research councils have already began to curb funding to alot of these pure maths research groups unless they can justify the exact value of their research. More and more money is going into disciplines that address real world issues(i.e engineering departments, applied physics department) because that's where the real progress is being made.

At undergraduate level, most maths courses are intertwined with another more practical discipline like maths+economics, or maths+computer science. 99% of maths graduates don’t stay on to do research but instead go into finance, computing, consultancy etc, provided they have the necessary secondary skills for those jobs, like programming, verbal skills, etc. If you just happen to choose pure mathematics degree, and don’t want to stay on for further research, like my poor friend from a few posts up, then you pretty much fucked, because it turns out pure maths degrees don’t actually teach you any other skills that are useful in the real world. I know all this because the number of times I've sat down drowning sorrows with my mathematics friend over a pint musing about how he's going to find a job after his phd. So i speak from the heart lads.
You stand in front of two doors, behind one is a wild lion and behind the other is a kilo of gold. 2 guards are at the doors. You may ask one question. 1 guard says always the truth, the other one always lies. What do you have to ask to find out behind which door the gold is?
a)Ask 1 guard behind which door is no gold?
b)Ask one guard behind which is no lion?
c)Ask 1 guard what the other guard would say which door leads to the gold?
A boy and a girl sit on a bench. "I´m a girl" says the kid with the blond hair. "I´m a boy" says the kid wit the brown hair. Minimum one kid lies. Which kid is the girl, which kid is the boy?
1)The blond kid is the girl, the kid with the brown hair is the boy.
2)The blond kid is the boy, the kid with brown hair is the girl.
3)Both kids are blond.
In a petri dish are bacteria, which divide and grow as the generation before in the time of one minute. The petri dish is full at 12 o´clock. When was the petri dish filled for the half.
z)at 6 o´clock in the morning?
y)1 minute before 12 o´clock?
x)at 9:49 o´clock in the morning?
MagnetO said:
You stand in front of two doors, behind one is a wild lion and behind the other is a kilo of gold. 2 guards are at the doors. You may ask one question. 1 guard says always the truth, the other one always lies. What do you have to ask to find out behind which door the gold is?
a)Ask 1 guard behind which door is no gold?
b)Ask one guard behind which is no lion?
c)Ask 1 guard what the other guard would say which door leads to the gold?

MagnetO said:
A boy and a girl sit on a bench. "I´m a girl" says the kid with the blond hair. "I´m a boy" says the kid wit the brown hair. Minimum one kid lies. Which kid is the girl, which kid is the boy?
1)The blond kid is the girl, the kid with the brown hair is the boy.
2)The blond kid is the boy, the kid with brown hair is the girl.
3)Both kids are blond.
3) - pure guess, for 1 and 2 there is too little info I think

MagnetO said:
In a petri dish are bacteria, which divide and grow as the generation before in the time of one minute. The petri dish is full at 12 o´clock. When was the petri dish filled for the half.
z)at 6 o´clock in the morning?
y)1 minute before 12 o´clock?
x)at 9:49 o´clock in the morning?
MagnetO said:
You stand in front of two doors, behind one is a wild lion and behind the other is a kilo of gold. 2 guards are at the doors. You may ask one question. 1 guard says always the truth, the other one always lies. What do you have to ask to find out behind which door the gold is?
a)Ask 1 guard behind which door is no gold?
b)Ask one guard behind which is no lion?
c)Ask 1 guard what the other guard would say which door leads to the gold?

MagnetO said:
A boy and a girl sit on a bench. "I´m a girl" says the kid with the blond hair. "I´m a boy" says the kid wit the brown hair. Minimum one kid lies. Which kid is the girl, which kid is the boy?
1)The blond kid is the girl, the kid with the brown hair is the boy.
2)The blond kid is the boy, the kid with brown hair is the girl.
3)Both kids are blond.
it's 2 because there has to be 1 boy and 1 girl and the only way that condition can hold is if they are both lying. but just to be safe i might just ask Rolf Harris @#badjokes

MagnetO said:
In a petri dish are bacteria, which divide and grow as the generation before in the time of one minute. The petri dish is full at 12 o´clock. When was the petri dish filled for the half.
z)at 6 o´clock in the morning?
y)1 minute before 12 o´clock?
x)at 9:49 o´clock in the morning?
Here is a question I got asked when I went for my cambridge interview:

i have 3 cups. There's a £5 note under 1 of them. And you want to get my £5.

You choose 1 cup and I remove one of the other 2 cups that doesn't have the £5 under them

I now ask you to either stay with your first choice or swap to the remaining cup. What do you do and why?
I switch, because original chance to get money is 1/3, now that you removed one of the remaining 2/3, I know that I should switch, because that 2/3 chance is now concentrated on that one cup you left :)

At first glance, it doesn't seem like a big difference, but let's say we do it 100 times, I would win 2/3 of the time with switching :D
Another puzzle for ya:

You have two types of pills, A & B. You need to take one of each pill in the morning, and you can't take extras because it will make you sick. One morning you open the A pills up and drop one in your hand. Then you open up the B pills and by mistake drop two in your hand. The problem is the pills look exactly the same and they got mixed up in your hand. The question is, how do you make sure that you take one A pill and one B pill without wasting any pills?
cut every pill in half, take half of every pill, then get another half pill from the A box. also all prescription and retail drugs in pills and tablet form must have pill ID imprinted onto them so after i done splitting pill i will sue the shit out of the pharmacy that sold them to me :)
Linux said:

#mature #intellectualspam
You´ve been faster, but your 2nd answer was wrong. Both kids are lying in this case.

Linux said:
Another puzzle for ya:

You have two types of pills, A & B. You need to take one of each pill in the morning, and you can't take extras because it will make you sick. One morning you open the A pills up and drop one in your hand. Then you open up the B pills and by mistake drop two in your hand. The problem is the pills look exactly the same and they got mixed up in your hand. The question is, how do you make sure that you take one A pill and one B pill without wasting any pills?
I don´t think you can without wasting. There´s no information about the pills. You could only guess.
There is actually a way.

Take another A pill. Now you have 2 A and 2 B pills. Cut every pill in half (gg Dudu),divide in two piles of 4 halfpills each. Take one pile now, save other one for tomorrow :P
i prefer spam over puzzles especially maths puzzles. I see enough maths on daily basis already.Funny enough, despite my best efforts to take a break from CSGO, it keeps calling back to me in different ways. I came across a paper which is fairly relevant to my topic today. but look at its title ;)
Linux said:
There is actually a way.

Take another A pill. Now you have 2 A and 2 B pills. Cut every pill in half (gg Dudu),divide in two piles of 4 halfpills each. Take one pile now, save other one for tomorrow :P
Okay but its possible that in one pile there are only A halfpills, chances aren't big but its possible :D
Bane said:
Okay but its possible that in one pile there are only A halfpills, chances aren't big but its possible :D
How you seperate them doesn't matter. Even if you take all 4 pills and mix them together, the solution is always the same. Cut every pill in half. Take half of every pill and you will take the exact dosage of 1A and 1B pill. Always.
Retarded test:
Imagine you are living in a city block. On this block there is a red house, a green house, a blue house and a white house. Red men lives in a red house, green man lives in a green house, a blue man in a blue house. Now, who lives in a white house?