Hackers on the s&d public serevr

Semper Fi

Feb 13, 2011
There is a big problem with hackers.

i saw a hacker on the server i saw no admin on the server or on x fire i tried to spec nade spam the hacker i got kick by an admin. while posting here i was afk on the server i got kick for 60 min....... with the comment "bb" that was very nice
wtf is that ??
what kiddies have the rcon pw??

Edit: A friend who was also on the server told me on xfire it was the admin manonfire. that can be true i know him he plays often without his wm nickname

btw the nickname of the hacker was koca

Edit: Yes 40 min later i saw him on the server info he changed his nick it was manonfire. Good hob well done. Impressive admin handling
What is this "big problem" with the hackers?

You only told us there about 1 suspect and that you got kicked for 60mins cause of specnading & spectating.

Fire should have said you to stop for example; withh a private msg. Then checked out the cheater yes..

Lets C what he answers here(if he does).
Personally I think that if ur abt to make a quite long break it is better to go spectator. Generally we kick afkers if he had to temp ban U it means U have been afk repetitivly. I know him pretty well he is kind and he would never ban U without a reason
You tried to "nade spam" him? then no wonder you got kicked. If you see a hacker the best thing to do is to get his GUID by opening the console and type /pb_plist
and record him if possible and additionally check his GUID on PBBans, GameViolations and GGC Stream then either consult a higher admin when one is available or post it in the "list of people to ban" with the information below. i dont remember if you have to be a member or not to post in there though.
guys, we have to see who is the guy who kick for nothing, alot of ppl come and make a topic saying I GET KICK WITHOUT REASON. is very strange :S
Welcome to the forum Milady.

Since I made an account into this forum(and I believe there always have been) some players who come cry to the topic about their kick ors.

Normal thing, usually. There is not only one person who kicks players "without a reason" but we all do kick players and never they like it.

99% of the times there is a good reason for the kick and the people who cry about it are just pissed cause of they couldn't behave the way they wanted to @ the server or they couldn't break the rules the way they wanted to, the same meaning I guess.

EDIT: There will ALWAYS be players who come to cry about their kick that it wasn't fair in someway ors. then we discuss about it etc.

If some1 wants to get rid of the players who cry about their kick, I have a quick and I believe, the best solution for that: Never kick/ban any1. :D
I do kick/ban players for no reason! Rumours on the street told me! I ALWAYS DO!

but, since i have never been on the hardcore server ( except that 2 rounds 3 months ago when i went HUGE!), i think the same way as missy does. we should at least put this under investigation....
We dnt have admins that kicks with no reason! And for sure that admin isn't manonfire or manowar (they are brothers they share pc and nick sometime). Horny is probably our most raging admin (I mean the one who gets pissed off by dickheads faster) but still (ofc) he doesn't kick or ban without a reason! And U all can see ceee is too much of a boyscout (joke) to kick ban without reasons, same goes for root! I dnt recall any other admin on HC (exept me n others inactive guys) so we can surely say that on HC we dmt kick ban without reasons :)
this goes for missy: Ese tio esta picao por que quiere entrar al clan, ya fue, pero lo echaron y ahora pos eso..a jodernos.
Well, little translation that is what root said: "That guy is peak that wants to enter the clan, and was, but was fired and now after that .. to screw us" thank you for that compliment root.
At this point i have to say its enough for me. Horny fucked me up with his lies, manonfire with his great no EPIC kick (and ofc no feedback from horny the lier and manonfire -for a smart person it could really be a indications that semper says the truth-) and now root. Now i have something to say to horny fire and root dont try to fucking kidding a man with an iq over 130. it will not work....
For me it is definitely enough.
they either apologize or iam out !

oh this is for pillerman: Das sind ja wirklich sehr netter clan members die du da hast (achtung ironie) Die sind doch an unverschämtheit nicht zu überbieten. Was ist nur aus dem alten WM clan und seinen netten Leuten geworden ? Du solltest wirklich mal gucken ob du hier vertrauensvolle Leute hast die das rcon pw haben. Ich meine du siehst ja die beschwerden häufen sich.
I may have not understood it properly, but, did u spec nade? in that case, are you still wondering why you were kicked? I dont know what my iq is, but I see this is quite clear.

I insist, probably it's me who understood it wrong.

btw, get a better spanish translator.
Hi xavii
Thats right i spec naded him one time than i got kick. I am angry about that cuz he didnt kick the obv hacker, he kicked me....... i mean he can tell that i should stop that and kick the hacker.

Yea i translated that with the google translator my spanish is not that good i can only say hola buenos dias como estas, tranquilo, vamos, serwesa, polvobore and stuff like that xD
But iam pretty sure the translation make sense, maybe the word picao (pico) and the end is not exactly translated^^
oh this is for pillerman: Das sind ja wirklich sehr netter clan members die du da hast (achtung ironie) Die sind doch an unverschämtheit nicht zu überbieten. Was ist nur aus dem alten WM clan und seinen netten Leuten geworden ? Du solltest wirklich mal gucken ob du hier vertrauensvolle Leute hast die das rcon pw haben. Ich meine du siehst ja die beschwerden häufen sich.

Well buddy, my german fellah:P, since i aint gonna be some asshole again, i will translate that for the foreign non-germans around:

The clan members you got there in WM are some nice guys (irony) They can not be beaten at impudence. What the f*ck happened to the old WM-Clan and its nice players? You should really take a look if there is trustful people in here that got the rcon pw. As you can see the complaints are becoming more frequent.

And now, what iam going to respond to what i've understood so far ( btw its a fact that i understood more than xavi :D ):

We wouldnt tolerate it if you try to stop a hacker by using hacks.We would tolerate it if you spam an admin or report his guid on our forums. Spec-Nading actually is the same as trying to stop an hacker with hacks since you break the rules for this. And this is why you got kicked.

And its also not that easy to call an perm-ban eventhough hacks seem obvious as shit to people who got killed by an hacker. There is plenty people everyday who spam us " UH THIS DUDE HACKS " and so on. We generally, like we must, go spec and spectate him for a few rounds. This may take some time. Even if there is no player wearing an WM tag on the spectators list, there might be since we also know about "undercover speccing" ;D.

I had to ban 3 players today. I was on the promod server, just joined ( not wearing the clantag) and there was some polish talking polish. I renamed, told them to stop and that they have to stick to the rules no matter if there was an admin online or not. I was reconnecting with a different name ( again no tag) and caught them speaking polish again. And they kept talking polish even after 2 kicks for each one of them. It's always a nasty job to get the server clean. It takes up to an hour of your gaming time and then you'll have a nice and playable server for at least the rest of the map. But that is how the story goes. I just told you that because it may clearify the fact that we are also getting pissed.

And yes: Manonfire ( or whoever banned you) COULD HAVE wrote a private msg and told you to stop. I bet he was either going to spec or speccing the hacker but as I've mentioned previously thats not a hasty decision to make. Kicking someone in comparison to banning someone is. If you clearly break a rule and if it's not going to be a perm ban then yes, you can be kicked and since you personally seem to play quiet often on our server you definately know the rules, and admins must know that you know the rules.

But we should all try to come down now:> You werent called a perm ban so youre able to rejoin our server for now. Just be polite and ARGUE polite when youre here. No1's going to make fun of you or your needs.

At all: We should all stick to our rules ( talking about the english-only rule in this case :> ) no matter where we speak.

Hope you guys are getting fine again ;)
Hi pillerman
Thanks for the translation, not 100% accurate but ok, of course i didnt mean all members but only a few, not that there is a misunderstanding.
Alright i understand now-contact an admin...
if root and horny apologize, i will do it also for my statement in german xD