Hackers on the s&d public serevr

Hello every one, I'm NNFH|Sraizo, i often play on your server and i was banned by Root ( sorry ;) I understand ) 21:55 10/10/12. Map : Crash, score : more 45-8.
Just to say, i'm not a hacker x) i love play fun and.. and good bye on the server =D
( B!bok i love u :P )
we will see if U hack or not, by the time if U want us to show interest to ur problem make a topic in which U say ur side of the story, there root will reply and if the ban was unfair it will be removed.
No topic = ban stays
Hi guys, long time no see. Got more daily work again and i have time to play on ur server. Im just wondering, do you guys have the possibility to take pbss( punk buster screen shots) on ur server. There are a bunch of WHèrs out there now. just a headsup:)
See you on the battlefield.
Hi guys, long time no see. Got more daily work again and i have time to play on ur server. Im just wondering, do you guys have the possibility to take pbss( punk buster screen shots) on ur server. There are a bunch of WHèrs out there now. just a headsup:)
See you on the battlefield.
As admins we should be able to, but on rcon the bottom doesn't work :D
maybe higher admins can do that :)
if you use rcontool you have the possiblity to do that. and ofc you need login on your serversite to see the pictures. we have actually taken 4 guys , and this in our 20 last matches. anyways, going on the server. cheeeers!
We use a webadmin tool to limit the powers and the personal initiative of our admins so its a bit different from normal rcon tool :)