Good Times

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Ouch man I didn't expect you will leave us so fast. Anyway good luck in future and I hope see ya around mate!
weed it was great to meet you i found you an extremely fun guy laughing on ts or ingame, although as a friend and knowing you are a good guy really, you should admit where you are wrong and come clean, have a bit of honour! Nevertheless im sure we will stay good friends so i will say best of luck but im sure well be talking soon :)
weed it was great to meet you i found you an extremely fun guy laughing on ts or ingame, although as a friend and knowing you are a good guy really, you should admit where you are wrong and come clean, have a bit of honour! Nevertheless im sure we will stay good friends so i will say best of luck but im sure well be talking soon :)
NO fuck you!!

Rofl I kid, cheers bro. I told u everything I feel about this matter and I am not gona change my mind though.

Cu soon
I must admit that it was very fun in teamspeak and playing wars.

Nevertheless I can't tolerate this and watch this through fingers if you know what I mean
Sorry to here this weed bro :/
I dont think any less of you, good luck in future man, hope to see you ingame sometime
bb :(
I must admit that it was very fun in teamspeak and playing wars.

Nevertheless I can't tolerate this and watch this through fingers if you know what I mean
Don't be like that now mate. I think you said it all in your first comment. You did what you did. What you should have done in fact and even slightly more than that. However I ain't got any bad feelings about you. Thanks and peace.
Sorry to here this weed bro :/
I dont think any less of you, good luck in future man, hope to see you ingame sometime
bb :(
Cheers bro. Berty I ll add u in xf. Is it ellzbub?
LOL :D nice move btw, i m glad u make this coz i know u feel ashamed and our jokes bout hacking was the thing why u do this,no need to say anything ur good guy who want be special ingame, but see me i never hack i m med player and dont give a fuck if i sux its GAME :D btw i feel sorry for your leaving coz i invite u,cya in future of kors ;)
LOL :D nice move btw, i m glad u make this coz i know u feel ashamed and our jokes bout hacking was the thing why u do this,no need to say anything ur good guy who want be special ingame, but see me i never hack i m med player and dont give a fuck if i sux its GAME :D btw i feel sorry for your leaving coz i invite u,cya in future of kors ;)
Cheers bro. I am sure we will play some wars^^
the fuck is that! Behave like ur age should suggest U to...

rofl jet, seen u not so serious in other situations bibibibibibibiatchhhhh :P
(jk ofc bro)

well weed we had a long convo where u told me u never hacked, showing me a really average esl score 46% match won if i remember well, ur scores & kills in pub would make it 80% won i think.

well, anyways, like i always do with a WM member i suspect to hack (always came true @ the end u can notice) i directly talk to the man trying to get him stop & take his responsibilities. U used to hack and don't hack nemore? i came to you saying "u hack and i ll proove it" without knowing u had an old guid full of bans. & i m not going to accuse a wm member unless i m pretty sure he does hack.

well i suspected you ingame but didn't recorded, then stopped playing promod, so i pretty much gave up on recording a serious demo of you, so i ll never see if ur still hacking or if u stopped. I came to see you the first time to get ur word u never gonna cheat anymore and i would watch it closely without ban if u d tell me that. i would not tell anyone neither...but u said me u never hacked & told everyone i was accusing u. Then u asked ur friends if they think u hack and got more people thinking u hack that people thinking u didn't, even ur closest friends.

about those 3 scripts....not detected by an anticheat? that's still a hack like graphical card exploit are a hack by modifying color of people or only helm...imo that's unfair gaming since others don't have ur tool.

u decided to leave by ur own and as with no proof of ur hacks, i couldn't say u bye like i d do to a spotted hacker, tho u know i still think u did.

i wish u the best in ur gaming and life dude, and i really hope u get the game fun without all these tools cause a blunt + a red wine + cod4 is really really fucking funny bro, and people are so silly that u don't need these hacks to get ur glory moments & share fun with cool people...i think u lose more than u won with ur tools and old hacks...hope u definitly stop.

nothing personal & trust me i hate being admin...but i hate more unfair gaming.

peace out, loved ur name ya know it

  • L (D) i k e
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one more word, for the people that still wouldn't understand, lemonade is the guy who scanned the old weed's guid. He also scans many other guids and helps MUCH our fucking admins with hackers.

Alex and lemo both help me checking guids, checking people, and i definitly would be a shit admin without those homies

+ them both (alex and lemo) would be an amazing skillboost to our promod team, but ur too obsessed by ass lickers and shitters to see real talents and perf admins...i don't blame noone in particular, i blame the whole group...for being so slow taking decision, not checking members and refusing pearls...i backup ceee on what he said, he had to do it himself cause it would have never changed if he wouldn't do it. other leaders are slow ass more interested in facebook group than in gaming, which will stay whatever u say the root of WM

i don't blame krazy cause he had no much time recently, but those leaders, and TL.

Sabb? u admin on the svr but u kick only for lmg in hc and for shooting in knife round in promod...barely banned a hacker in cod4

Michal? never playing cod but participating all cod convo + giving ur opinion on things that u don't understand in cod

Xavii? rarely playing cod and rather camping than gaming (swat reflexes) no knowledge of the game and "hacking or not hacking" skills

euskadi? never playing french ass licking cock sucker motherfucking son of a B

filix? casper? li? sbsp? virus? come on haven't seen them for ages....

  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: KrazyFire
I got to agree with Ryu. Sometimes when im on the promod server and i ask the admins to either ban a cheater or kick for rule breaking, they are either or playing another game and refuse to respond, or "watching a movie". Its pretty sad to be honest, and in some cases it pisses me off because if its a hacker, then he only have to be there for like 10-15 minutes and the server almost goes dead.
But with that said big shoutout to Jimas for always being ready with the banhammer when he is online. Also to Cee for being the reason why the promod side is not a total shithole.
Michal? never playing cod but participating all cod convo + giving ur opinion on things that u don't understand in cod
It is better to participate in coversation than being member like Rystra (he was so even not registered on WM website). If you read precisely than you should know my remarks usually concern organization. Im not using rcon even if I would cause of lack experience in that game. Yes I dont like lack of organization in cod section. In my opinion recruiting is carelessly and it is too easy to join. WM offer great quality of servers, team speak , website (great base) to bulding something serious. Since now beside filled server zero achievements. It is even hard to force poeple to install tzac even if we lose 2 members in 2 days cause of cheats. I guess there is more.
It is easy to blame all around but I wanna remind you nothing happen in COD under your rule and I guess you were little bit drunk when you wrote that post if you blame Sabbath. He is responsible guy and his knowledge isnt enough to judge who cheating who is skilled. Remember we are playing cod4 couple months and there is big gap between us and poeple who play cod almost since it showed in shop.
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