Filix = Rocco Siffredi = Pornstar

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(who surely don't like my posts too, just don't reply
to it, like Menc)

Good that u noticed that im ignorning you, i usually disdain stupid ppl, especialy if his/her grandfather was schutzstaffel
Carlzone said:
What are you doing here Stranger?

disgusting wasn't describing his appearance, or his
face nor his Penis (what ever a 9 inch Penis might look like,
and god bless it xD)
but what he wrote was disgusting, because as you might have
undestood, we like to talk about porn and always like
to call someone gay when he writes something "Gay"
and filix definietly wrote that he likes that a "Man" is doing
some tricks. That was disgusting. Thats all.
So please learn the different significances of words.
Or I will come to Poland and beat you up, and bomb your house
and I will ask filix to come with me, because his Dick is able
to kill you.

and by the way, don't comment my posts if you don't like them,
other WMs (who surely don't like my posts too, just don't reply
to it, like Menc) Oh he is polish too, what a surprise... :)
I won't do with yours anymore, its just too boooring :)

-for first reading ur post was boring like you :yawn:
-for second ... wtf u talking about carl?
-for third ... germans like you wil have very dificult life in poland.
-for fourth ... u beat me? ahahaahhaahah poor child... go back to gearmany u aint have chance with polish streets.
-for fifth .... you are gay who all time talking shit about how u wont to be gay or size of filix penis. i dont care about what u have in pants (probaly nothing). You just joung boy who get evrything from his parents... so.... grow up carl.
we will talk when u start to be man.............
Mencjusz said:
Good that u noticed that im ignorning you, i usually disdain stupid ppl, especialy if his/her grandfather was schutzstaffel

yeah, and schutz is for defence, because Polish started attacking the Germans :)
Mencjusz said:
you are just proving what i've said...

i just feel more comfortable by thinking that Nazi-Germany didn't
start World War II. :)

I think this Topic is done, perhaps someone could delete all the
useless Posts concerning DG and me. They are just ridiculous and
offtopic and not even funny.
why Nazi...just say Germans. U learn crap that WWII didn;t stared Germans, bullshit...same bullshit as French won WWII, they were dam lucky by licking Brith and USA asses.
Mencjusz said:
why Nazi...just say Germans. U learn crap that WWII didn;t stared Germans, bullshit...same bullshit as French won WWII, they were dam lucky by licking Brith and USA asses.


Ok back to Rocco :)
lool Dg My last sking was not bad. but i had no video because of my camera's battery was empty.i can snowboard very well right now.
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