Filix = Rocco Siffredi = Pornstar

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i bet with my friend not opening facebook over 1 year. i haven t got a facebook account still. i won the bet. and i should open it in a short time.
nope.. i warn u that is difficult.. but she is my loovee.. xD

i hope that my gf NEVER register at this forum..xD and if this happens KF must remove any rights from her account.. only shoutbox xD
ok an other help.. She begun "hard" movies at 17y.o. and she worked from 2001 until June 2008..

she won 3 RRCC Award, 4 XRCO Award an 1 AVN Award

Cmon guys.. xD
Carlzone said:
don't say that you find her sexy or attractive ...
grandma-porns are just repulsive... :S

lol..and u said, that DG dont have sense of humour!!! :) lol this "female" is a shame of Hungary..;) its a stupid whore, who was together with 8-10 males in a same time, and suck them all! it was a joke u retarded! :) IM GONNA FIND U IN GERMANY, AND I WILL HURT YOU! xD
lmao Bob, you really understood what I meant xD

Its just because Filix wrote that his pornstar is blond :)
and you post a link with your grandma doing a Gangbang-Thing. :)
I was so shocked that my sense of humour was frozen lol
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