- Dec 4, 2011
- 814
- 164
- 29
Title says it all, Im leaving to form a new team 'Reverse', we will be playing CG and are looking to get pretty competitive. Which will be a team rather than a community so instead of getting kicked in a couple of months i figured i would do it honourably now. I absolutely fucking love all you guys, even the people i have had fallouts with and what not i owe it to you all how sound you all are but im going to leave a message for everyone later in the topic anyway. I would still say im pretty new to WM compared to some of the veterans. I'm sure this topic will bring a few smiles, and hopefully a few tears! jk jk
I'll still be playing on the pub server though and wars with you lot so you wont miss me to much! haha
Basically, thank you all so much for the year that i spent in this community, it has really been great fun and im very happy to have met you all. Now for some lines about you all!
Krazy - Top lad, id say im going to miss you but im pretty sure ill still talk to you on teamspeak and steam
Cee - We have had our fallouts but outside of talking about WM and cod4 youre really sound.
Jakob - Fucking love you man, obviously ill still talk to you.
Sound - same as jakob, madafaka pls madafaka pls.
Jetty - You're a massive dribble but i do love ya
We had some good times together.
Michal - Uesd to speak to you quite often and played some wars with ya but you have been quite inactive recently.
Ghost, uGa, UFO and idrizi - HC SCRUBS! Haha, Really nice lads with good sense of humour, will miss you guys.
lemonade - Some good times with ya but you're proper weird pal hahaha big head!
Charfire - Perfect asian, you look like that fashion guy Gok Won or whatever his name is haha! Miss speaking to you on xf but im sure ill speak to you soon, for now piggy will keep you nice and warm.
Really sorry if ive missed any of you, im a bit rushed atm but yeh
Thanks for the fantastic year, cya guys and love you all x
p.s. Would appreciate it if you can leave me in the WM group on xf, but its your choice
Basically, thank you all so much for the year that i spent in this community, it has really been great fun and im very happy to have met you all. Now for some lines about you all!
Krazy - Top lad, id say im going to miss you but im pretty sure ill still talk to you on teamspeak and steam
Cee - We have had our fallouts but outside of talking about WM and cod4 youre really sound.
Jakob - Fucking love you man, obviously ill still talk to you.
Sound - same as jakob, madafaka pls madafaka pls.
Jetty - You're a massive dribble but i do love ya
Michal - Uesd to speak to you quite often and played some wars with ya but you have been quite inactive recently.
Ghost, uGa, UFO and idrizi - HC SCRUBS! Haha, Really nice lads with good sense of humour, will miss you guys.
lemonade - Some good times with ya but you're proper weird pal hahaha big head!
Charfire - Perfect asian, you look like that fashion guy Gok Won or whatever his name is haha! Miss speaking to you on xf but im sure ill speak to you soon, for now piggy will keep you nice and warm.
Really sorry if ive missed any of you, im a bit rushed atm but yeh
p.s. Would appreciate it if you can leave me in the WM group on xf, but its your choice