Ban 60 min :(

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And the other crap guids you didnt will ban them ......? why only me? becaseu to good for most :(

Becasue some member says i Hack...why you admins or Leader didnt spec me...
Omg man we dnt think U are a hacker coz U are a good player. U looked suspicious so one of the admins had a check on U and he found out ur guid isn't clean that's all.
I know that some ppl who play on our server might have a non-clean guid but till they dnt make anything strange we won't look at them and more important than all it is not your business and it isn't related to your case.
End of discussion, ban stays
Hm k,

so when i get new key without any guid problems you didnt will ban me, when i join with same name abc ?

LG abc
lol.. talked 3 pages about nothing.. guid not clear --> as fatboy said: BAN SHOULD BE PERM!! there is thousands of other good cod4 players around the world, why should we let suspicious players play on it? :))
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