Ban 60 min :(

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Ok after ceee's and warlord's posts (as I dnt know anything abt that stuff) I am for a perm ban too.
Too much shit going on around this guy and this guid, so perm ban is even the safest choice for the server benefit
I'm tired of hearing that bullshit like "My grandpa took my PC and install that cheats. He cheated but when I play I did not use it" etc. Grow up kids !
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: UFO and Ceeee
If your read "Server Appeal" area than 9/10 got caugh cause of family or buddy . Maybe we could add rule only owner of pc is allowed to play call of duty 4 on WM server
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: UFO and Horny/murc
hahahaha :D or we may revoke the right to appeal :)
That will be much more easy to manage hehehehe
Why nobody do any records so that all can see it...

But i think i am not the only 1 that get problems with his guid and they also play on your Servers....

I think HC is much easier than promod becasaue of AIR heli AND UAV ( thats why i shot sometimes walls (i didnt know if i shot the walls. xD.))

its so normal when i got scores of 20:1 on HC server in the first 4 rounds :)
(can see over 50-100 screens i am better as this xD)

PLS record me send it to your best players, becasue i think they see if someone hacks or not ( i know this , i am in a clan too , the most say always hacks hacks, but most time, only good players )

LG Desa
Why nobody do any records so that all can see it...

But i think i am not the only 1 that get problems with his guid and they also play on your Servers....

I think HC is much easier than promod becasaue of AIR heli AND UAV ( thats why i shot sometimes walls (i didnt know if i shot the walls. xD.))

its so normal when i got scores of 20:1 on HC server in the first 4 rounds :)
(can see over 50-100 screens i am better as this xD)

PLS record me send it to your best players, becasue i think they see if someone hacks or not ( i know this , i am in a clan too , the most say always hacks hacks, but most time, only good players )

LG Desa
Feel free to record your game play maybe someone will change your mind about your skills ;)
I can confirm it aswell. He is indeed one of the best in the world. One day he will get the crown and dominate the entire cod industry.

xD its a joke or... i didnt see you very often on SnD promod server,
I think Ceee and Weedy are one off them but you.. xD

I only want to play on your Servers, i didnt want buy a new Key...cost´s moneyyyyy :(

I think i only get banned because the member/admins kicks me becasue they never get those scores before and thinks hack hack hack....
Man if U can't afford an original guid or U are not smart enough to find a good key gen that ain't our problem but only yours.we keep our servers as clean as we can, so with a tricky guid like yours there is really no way you can play on our servers. If U really want to play on WM buy a new guid, that's all I can say to you.
The problem is, you kicked me becasue you THINK that i have wh or something esle...
And i didnt think that i am alone with a crap guid on your server :(
So why you didnt ban all with a crap guid... ... you banned me becasue i am to good=wh,+crap guid :((
I think there are lower gamers and they also play with a crap guid
So when i Buy me a new key, i didnt get ban??
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