Average WM member :P


Retired Member
Jul 6, 2008
in 2009 we had a topic "Wolrd Mafia Characteristics" where people gave following info about themselves:

Height: 197cm
Weight: 80KG
Age: 17 (31-05-91)
Location: Lelystad, The Netherlands
Occupation: Student/Trainee
Sex: yes
Religion: none
Curculism: NO NEVER
Orgin: Dutch (50%), Italian (25%), Surinam (25%)
Skin colour: Tinted
Fat percentage: 12%
Sport: American Football, gym

The average WM member in 2009:
ave. weight: 72,3 Kg
ave. height: 182 cm
ave. age: 23,3 y/o
ava. dick size: 18 cm
From: 7 countries

Don't ask about the dick size thing.....I do not recall anything from this period.

How about update? How contempotrary WM members are different from the past ones?

I will start; in 2009 was
Height: 172 cm ->>>> 173 :D
Weight: 64 kg ->>>> 65
age: 20 ->>>>26
location: Warsaw ->>>>> Taipei
occupation: student, international relations speciality eurazja ->>>>> PhD candidate
sexaul: male ->>>>> sill male :D
confirmed atheist ->>> yupm still same.

Height: 194 cm
Weight: 102 KG
Age: 34 (16-06-80)
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Occupation: Facilities Manager at the University Of Iceland
Sex: not as often i would like :P
Religion: Atheist
Orgin: Icelandic (100%)
Skin colour: Caucasian
Fat percentage: ???
Sport: Basketball, Gym and Jerking off ?
Penis Size: above average ;)
Menc, did your chinese gf leave you? :P


Height: 185 cm
Weight: 75 KG
Age: 23
Location: Valencia, Spain
Occupation: Uni student.
Sex: bisexual :P
Religion: Atheist
Orgin: Valencia (100%)
Skin colour: Caucasian
Sport: Football
Penis Size: ask your anus.
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Reactions: El Pistolero
KrazyFire yo:
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 85 KG
Age: 23
Location: London, UK
Occupation: Mafia boss, Electronic Engineering, Uni student.
Sex: Hetrosexual
Religion: Islam
Orgin: Pakistani
Skin colour: Caramel Brown
Sport: Basketball
Height: fuck knows. Average.
Weight: 62 KG
Age: 19
Location: Motherland
Occupation: student. Civil engineer. A bit of building constructor, architector, mixed mith main specialisation in gas heat and ventilation supply.
Sex: Hot gay
Religion: secular humanism
Orgin: Russian with roots from greece and polish szlachta
Skin colour: snowwhite
Sport: mma and acroyoga beginner.
Penis size: well I can send photos in pm, if it's so important

Height: 192
Weight: 105
Age: 29
Location: Croatia (local name:Hrvatska)
Occupation: Army
Sex: every year less and less :(
Religion: Belive in God,but dont trust the church?
Orgin: Croatia,Slovakia
Skin colour: depends
Sport: AK 47
Penis size: Ask my wife,am happy with it :)
Height: 181
Weight: 84
Age: 38
Location: Greece
Occupation: Area manager
Sex: str8 , sorry xavi and jetty :D
Religion: Orthodox but not trust at our church.
Skin colour: white
Sport: hunting & scuba diving
Penis size: never had sex and complain about it later ;)
Height: 169 and I've stopped growing since I was around 15, was tallest in class :(
Weight: around 70
Age: 20
Location: Israel, Akko (also Acre) around 1km from the sea, in case you see sea pictures, see?
Occupation: Army, I was working on generators and electricity before I became a secretary :) finishing it in year+- from now.
Sex: straight
Religion: No religion, I am an athiest.
Origin: If it means where I was born then I was born in Israel, if it means my parents then Russia.
Skin color: I dunno, white but not too white.
Sport: Swimming and rarely riding horses.
Penis size: Not my fault it was circumcised when I was 8 days old ><
TheHunter159 said:
Religion: No religion, I am an athiest.
Origin: If it means where I was born then I was born in Israel, if it means my parents then Russia.
2 serious questions now if you don't mind.

What is the percentage of atheists/jews in the people of your age?

When did your parents move to Israel?
Xavii said:
2 serious questions now if you don't mind.

What is the percentage of atheists/jews in the people of your age?

When did your parents move to Israel?
1. I don't really know, but I am sure most of them are jewish\believers or whatever, I personally know very few atheists in real life (5) but there is a forum with around 50 atheists commenting there every day and answering questions for these believers when they open topics, those I know in real life don't use this forum, I bet there are more than 56 atheists, most of them just say they believe and hide their atheism, that's why I am sure that we are a very small group, but not too small.
Not because there is a punishment for that here, it's because socially it's not really accepted, you know, the majority rules.

About percentage of them in my age... well, only I only know 5 in real life, on some of them you can't be sure, people get sensitive here if you ask them about their beliefs so we avoid it, there are people who consider themselves jews but don't eat kosher, so you can't really know.

2. At 1990, 4 years before I was born.

Height: ~ 180 cm
Weight: ~ 70 KG
Age: 19
Location: Novi Sad, Serbia
Occupation: Uni student.
Sex: straight/male whatever you mean by sex
Religion: Dunno, not full atheist and not some crazy christian
Orgin: Slovenian 50% Serbian 50%
Skin colour: Caucasian
Sport: Football, Cycling
Height: 120cm
Weight: 260KG
Age: 21
Location: Switzerland
Occupation: Professional cooker
Sex: #nohomo
Religion: dunno how to say in english :(
Orgin: 110% swiss
Skin colour: red, was born in a small american indian camp

Sport: gym
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Reactions: SkandalisT
pistol :P was this u when young
TheHunter159 said:
1. I don't really know, but I am sure most of them are jewish\believers or whatever, I personally know very few atheists in real life (5) but there is a forum with around 50 atheists commenting there every day and answering questions for these believers when they open topics, those I know in real life don't use this forum, I bet there are more than 56 atheists, most of them just say they believe and hide their atheism, that's why I am sure that we are a very small group, but not too small.
Not because there is a punishment for that here, it's because socially it's not really accepted, you know, the majority rules.

About percentage of them in my age... well, only I only know 5 in real life, on some of them you can't be sure, people get sensitive here if you ask them about their beliefs so we avoid it, there are people who consider themselves jews but don't eat kosher, so you can't really know.

2. At 1990, 4 years before I was born.
1990, like right after the opening of the URSS? very interesting, thanks for the info ;)

Height: 186cm
Weight: 63KG
Age: 19 (17.01.95.)
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Occupation: Student
Sex: Yes please
Religion: I believe that Michal and Char will come back
Curculism: ?
Orgin: 100% Serbian!
Skin colour: Pale
Fat percentage: ... Really?
Sport: Tennis, Basketball, whatever
Height: 179cm
Weight: 70KG
Age: 25
Location: UK
Occupation: research associate at university( level above-student, under lecturer)
Sex: http://mayfairwalkups.wikispaces.com/Soho+Walk+Ups
Religion: apes not kill apes
Orgin: my parents from canada and malta but i grew up in the UK
Skin colour: white
Fat percentage: no fat, only muscle
Sport: football, darts, cock fighting
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Reactions: El Pistolero