Average WM member :P

Well, honestly, I always feel scared, when some young looking and naive girl laying eye on me. Because fuck knows. Some look way older, some way younger than they are.
just in case you quote Clinton "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" it works ;)
Height : 187
Weight : 110
Age : 20
Location : Chelm, Poland
Occupation : Student, smell like free taxi
Sex : forever male
Religion : Jesus my love :-)
Orgin : 100% Poland
Skin colour : Random
fat precentage : 99.9%
Sport : only when i must :-*
Penis : yes please (16 cm
Height: 170 on a good day!
Weight: Depends if I have a pig inside me or not. Without it should be something around 60-65 kg
Age: 28
Location: Bruges, Belgium
Sex: Sure, just send me a pm to hook up!
Occupation: Stay at home lazy ass/quarter-pro poker player
Religion: Whatever religion allows interspecies relationships.
Origin: 50% Belgian wealthy male & 50% slutty Korean mail order bride.
Skin Colour: Close to a Simpsons character?
Sport: Basketball and soccer
Penis: Yes please!
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Reactions: Bane and Durden