Played just few minutes ago and got ban on 180 min for wh. I just wanna see proof. Any ss or something? Just don't tell me I was hacking because. It is very stupid. I had 19-4 score but 9 kills by airstrike. And it isn't magic. Btw. don't say after 1 kill that someone is cheating. Lot of people has clear luck.
I don't think guy who play in cb, cg, esl can cheat. He is just really good. I'm guy from promod. Sometimes just playing for fun on hc ( because my first attemps in cod4 was hc)
It's old reason...I playing on some cup with my team, and polish admin made a huge mistake, and my team lost a match. I was talking with him, that was really fierce quarrel so he decided to ban me for insulting him ( bullshit). Then I was made another account, but they saying that guid isn't mine so i wasn't able to match my old guid to new account. So on esl is a random guid ( because they are too stupid )... Only guid on cg is valid and on my ban. Btw. Everyone who play esl know that admins in CoD4 were retarded and wire suck.
Maybe I made mistake explaining this. I mean guy who playing in that leagues can't be noob. He should know every spot, bounce, snipers spots, and rush on every map on league. Most of people make pre-fire in obvious spots. Sound is really important in cod too.
Maybe if i have time i will make md5 check and cfg check. but i don't want send my cfg public.
Edit: Ok im sending cfg check and md5. If anyone from admins dont trust me, i can send my cfg on pm.
This CFG seems to be clean ! MD5 Checksum: e947d9ea70774e9f1fa29860fc99ece0 SHA-1 Checksum: a1a945287037377477e187e07117fee36154882b
Nope, I deleted it. You cant recover it. Even my friend's dont have me on friend list anymore. And reason of it is that I though I can use my guid after deleting my account .
None of his friends are banned except for 1 guy on CG. Thats not relevant either way. The ban was only 180 minutes so you should have been unbanned ages ago. I dont understand why Root didnt perma ban you since he is able to do that.
You should be able to play and if this happens again make a new topic.
None of his friends are banned except for 1 guy on CG. Thats not relevant either way. The ban was only 180 minutes so you should have been unbanned ages ago. I dont understand why Root didnt perma ban you since he is able to do that.
You should be able to play and if this happens again make a new topic.
Sorry, i dont understand this sentence.
Anyways, this is about his ban, not his friends or whoever.
However you should be unbanned by now anyways since it was only a tempban and you can remain unbanned unless root responses with some valid explaination or (in case you actually hack) get rebanned.
Topic will remain open for now.
edit: ohh, the name he uses on the server is andrzej and his guid is 231a992e.
You are right but ufo said something about my friends and now i have only 2 friends. People from cg are guys ONLY from my team. I dont care about their life. They can cheat if they want. i was playing in their teams in 2012 you can check that.
On account leniwychuj (from esl) I got 2 my friend DisasteR and gacus88 (They are MY friends because im playing with them since hardcore). Disaster get ban for multi accounts because he forgot his password and he made new account. Gacus88 is clear ( But this is really offtop )
I only wanted post this topic because I had ban for wh for 180 min. I though if ill go later on that server ill have perm ban just because. You dont have still prove for my cheating. And i don't want really get ban so I'm doing my best for proving that im clear.
And root didnt even spec me. Someone said im cheating and he wrote command on chat for tempban. I was playing with ceee on broadcoast and lose on 1v1 with him but his a bit camper... :>.
Like I said previously I want only prove that I'm not cheating before I get really perm ban.
I thought is obvious. A guy from Poland should know own language... But that is really offtopic. I think we can just close this topic. I only wanted to show my innocence.