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  1. <a href="" rel='nofollow external'...

    <a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a>
  2. isnt it the cutest kitten ever?

    i hate cats !
  3. Secret
  4. Suggest

    I dont know. We play only pcwars, sometimes its boring. So before the new players joining i think we need to try some nightcups or CB,ESL etc (with the current team) .. it can't be problem for us :D
  5. The Art of TROLLING

  6. Perm Ban

    BUSTED! You won't respawn next round biatch! joke, i hope u arent cheater !
  7. Got Banned

    Demotivation: Bible Joke
  8. Hello :D

  9. WM Horny

    WB :D
  10. Knife round Promod

    I ve never seen this cd
  11. Knife round Promod

    haha knife in the second round? 10-15 sec more before the game start
  12. Knife round Promod

    Im not admin, but sometimes i am the only one WM member on the server.I cant do anything when somebody shot. I like the knife round so i dont want to delet it .Just need to be stabilize it, you know what i mean. edit: I heard nobody can fix it. If it true, i agree with Jakob.
  13. Friday night's chill <a...

    Friday night's chill <a href="!" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">!</a>
  14. HB Michal

    Happy Birthday , i wish you a weedfull day :)
  15. JR aka JG vs. Bean

  16. NEW MAPS!

    Yeah Pipeline can be good. But i hate the others ! :D
  17. Leaving WM

    ANAL Soliders !
  18. thy kf :D

    Today I get lvl 6 ! Nobody can stop me !
  19. fuckn exams !

    fuckn exams !
  20. HI

    Hey! Welcome ! :)