blue tiger

Feb 23, 2012
Hy guys! Now, I'll say something about me. My name is David. I am 14 and I live in Slovenia near Croatia.
My english is not the best, because i learn this language about 4 years. Beside English I speak Hrvatski.
I like football :) Of Football I am playing FIFA 10, and of shooter games : cod 2 and cod 4 MW, I played cod 1 . I'm playing cod 4 for 2 months.

I recently play HC world mafia server.

My nick is blue tiger.

I like this server really much beacuse you mustn't use GL :)

This is all for now
BYE for now

well your english is already better than mine so no worries about ;)
Welcome to forum!

I hope you didn't forget what I told you about creditcard information you have to send us.
