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  1. does anyone play TW-games?

    Well, the topic says it all. Does anyone play Total War games such as Rome:Total War or Medieval2: Total War? Iam deffo going to go back and play them for the next couple of weeks.... Could be fun if one joins me
  2. Ambush/Overgrown

    overgrown +1, never seen this map tho:X
  3. Truth about pro-skilled HoonY *KITTY* frgt abt it jettgay
  4. Hey, shirin here :)

    shirin u fucker ;D hey its the panda
  5. iam back ;D

    So gays, sorry was on a hunting trip the last week ( guess i failed telling someone :X). Sad stories ive nearly cut off thumb so i wont be able to play for the next 3 weeks as the dcotor said. I might pop up on the srever though but yea. this:
  6. Truth about pro-skilled HoonY *KITTY*

    fo jetty,
  7. Anxious-He/Hoax

    fo weedy:D
  8. we need some terapeutic spam!

    jetty u suck. OBV
  9. Just an idea.... sign up there 1st. shouldnt be that hard :X you can also try to play gathers on esl but there hasnt been any for quiet a long time. as i mentioned in the shoutbox cod4 is loosign its section at the moment. you sould keep up the pace of this and...
  10. Just an idea....

    still u suck random. LoL!
  11. player name SO trollolollol

    kf lies. banning takes him up to 4 days ...
  12. Banned for no reason. Just a mad admin and a ban without a proof.

    well, ryu is still playing so. i was on the server when he called the ban but i couldnt judge myself unless that was a very short period. there was plenty of complains in the past. via xfire and ingame. personally, i wont rate ryu's judge unless hes more experienced than me. on the other hand...
  13. Computer Chance..

    youre fat
  14. Computer Chance..

    pic or it didnt happen!
  15. Truth about pro-skilled HoonY *KITTY*

    there is couple of guys playing with that name sab. have u checked the guid?:P
  16. modded server

    +1 random. love u mate
  17. isnt it the cutest kitten ever?

    jetty , you are so damn gay. mustve been hard to pass irl till now.
  18. Random totally owned ;P

    i dont get it :o
  19. BadSoul say hello