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  1. [Misc] SWAT 4 Orginal Game

    thanks kf
  2. Create a word from the last letter v.2

  3. performance issues. mb some1 know wtf?

    buy a better pc
  4. Battlefield 3 Server Info

    bf3 sucked since alpha came out
  5. Xbox 360 + BF3

    gay topic
  6. PB kicks me kurwa!

    lol jettgay
  7. Help with admin mode.

    i dont know how to give advice sorry
  8. More Morning hackers weres the admins ?h

    like i cared about swat :S
  9. :D

    let me spam now
  10. Hello Brothers of different Mothers!

  11. SAY NO! Future depends on you! that is even more gay than you, menc
  12. Create a word from the last letter v.2

    spastic heath ledger doesnt make it a word
  13. Those people saved the day!

    where to look it up then?
  14. Create a word from the last letter v.2

    education roar aint a word u spastic :D
  15. Really?

    u can only dream boi
  16. TBerty<3

  17. Create a word from the last letter v.2

  18. Really?

    thats how you make people mad of shootergames. you just got banned for 60 minutes , which isnt your lifetime ( perm ban). still you get the idea to come here and flame ( non-sense?). whats the matter of asking wether WM can't handle "better" players? Anyways, i suggest to close this thread. I...
  19. TBerty<3

    iam against. VOTE NO