Search results

  1. Hi all

    Hello wellcome to the forum
  2. Hey Peeps

    Big wellcome Nic,enjoy your stay with us!! :D
  3. Hey all :)

    wellcome and gl
  4. Hi All, Chopper here ;)

    Wellcome,and good luck :)
  5. hey fellas

    Wellcome to the forum :)
  6. mfers

    Hello i guess
  7. Hi all :)

    Hello ,and wellcome to the forum :)
  8. {KL}Linux

    Wellcome to the forums :)
  9. Yo all

    Wellcome to the forum.
  10. Losing key packets 9005

    i updated pb,lets see what happens :P
  11. Losing key packets 9005

    Yo guys i have a problem,Losing key packets 9005,and it kicks me out of server lately.Does anyone knows the solution? Thx :)
  12. No autobalance

    Hey folks,there is no autobalance on server,can someone fix that?
  13. Arch3r says hello :)

    Hello m8 and wellcome on the forum,and server.Have fun!
  14. Aimbot pb kick

    Yesterday I played on our server and player named Combobreaker got kicked for Aimbot 507 something,and i saw it few more times on server.People get embarest for Aimbot kick,and feel bad to comeback on server becouse some pb mistake.Is there any solution for this?
  15. I was banned

    Hello ool.Your teammates who play regularly on WM also told that you hack,and admin undercover was in your team too,and he comfirmed you are very strange. Any other nick you played with on WM,becouse ive never saw ool.
  16. Yo all

    Hello Koyot,and wellcome to the forum :)
  17. Banned from COD HC Server

    I know this guy for a long time and i doubt he hax.
  18. Banned from COD HC Server

  19. Hey!

    Hey Nostalgia! Wellcome to the forum. Nice guy,plays often on our server.
  20. Prospect here

    Hey ZeT. Wellcome to the forum. :)