Recent content by Sm0k1n

  1. Re-introduction

    Yo, for everyone that may remember who i am. steam profile below. much love
  2. Texas Joe

    Yeah he offered me beer so he's automatically getting my vote. I came out of retirement from many years to make this post
  3. WorldMafia Apparel

    Would you like to post a possibility you prefer then ?
  4. WorldMafia Apparel

    Would you like to post a possibility you prefer then ?
  5. WorldMafia Apparel

    Yeah I like it
  6. WorldMafia Apparel

    nice idea xavii anyone else wanting to post a visual design like this ? need to keep this topic alive or nothing will get done !!
  7. [CS:GO] [SOLVED] Banned for no reason?

    hahah I like that answer
  8. WorldMafia Apparel

    ok lets have some ideas then ? Colour? what do we want on the logo ? what games do we include ? do we hold any sponsors ?
  9. WorldMafia Apparel costs € 26.95 and you can custom design all the artwork
  10. WorldMafia Apparel

    I personally like the simple clean cut idea, I am also a fan of the esports stuff xavii posted and although they are a little bit more I think it may be worth it. A worldmafia meet up is a special occasion and I like to be looking fine for you boys ;)
  11. WorldMafia Apparel

    Some nice input here guys, let's keep it up :)
  12. WorldMafia Apparel

    this to start us off, ideas ?
  13. WorldMafia Apparel

    Right then boys and girls, Again some of us this year are attending the LAN event "The-Party" last year myself and a few others went as an external team "reverse gaming" this time due to the higher number of WM members attending, we will be playing under the WorldMafia name, etc... It's become...
  14. ban

    i'm afraid after a discussion with the fellow admins, despite the appeal on here, your ban will stay. The evidence in front of us is enough to affirm the accusations of "no recoil" and high suspicion of "wallhack" We are reluctant in this decision but we hold a zero tolerance with cheaters...
  15. ban

    Again I did spectate the allegations of no recoil, to me it looked like it was. We will give you fair trial and discuss this in private among the admins. The ban will stay until (if) we decide otherwise