[CS:GO] [SOLVED] Banned for no reason?

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Feb 10, 2015
Hello, I played on your server 2 times and got banned just because i played good. I have never used cheats on csgo since i think it's not fun.

If you go to my profile then you see that yes i have a vacban but that is because my brother borrowed my account and played mw3 and got banned since he downloaded cheats to his computer.
Anyway, I didnt get a like 60 hours ban or 3 days ban or something.
I got PERMABANNED for no clear reason. Personally i think this is by far the best community competetive server but now i can't play on it with my friends because i got banned by an admin that was worse on the game than me.. (not trying to be rude, but it is true).

I think this is unfair and is wondering if that is something we can fix or not?

Your answers will be very appreciated!
Your guid or name on game for we check why you are banned and the reason for.
PS. lol always brothers do hacks.. :P
  • L (D) i k e
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I don't think an admin will ban you because you're better than him.

Were you griefing? By griefing I mean climbing the CT sided ladder on nuke and blocking it or blocking entrances on purpose, team flashing and more. If so then that means the majority of the server wanted you gone anyway.

Please provide us with your Steam profile link, if you were kicked\banned by an admin they should come here and tell their side of the story on why you got banned.

@UFO This isn't cod4 this time ;)
UFO said:
Your guid or name on game for we check why you are banned and the reason for.
PS. lol always brothers do hacks.. :P
CS:GO not COD this time :D

Anyway thanks for your registration on here to solve this. We will look into it and get back to you :P
I dont know what the name of the admin is or why he banned me.. but yes that is me Linux.

I was not griefing and was not being a douche or blocked anyone, i know how boring it is to play with people like that so i don't do that kind of stuff. I was just playing and having fun with my friends when i suddenly got banned.

The reason i got on here with registration and stuff is because i think it's good to try to talk to people and solve things as best as we can.
Thank you for all the answers so far and of course i will be patient and hope for the best. :)
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Linu
Mrtweekify said:
I dont know what the name of the admin is or why he banned me.. but yes that is me Linux.

I was not griefing and was not being a douche or blocked anyone, i know how boring it is to play with people like that so i don't do that kind of stuff. I was just playing and having fun with my friends when i suddenly got banned.

The reason i got on here with registration and stuff is because i think it's good to try to talk to people and solve things as best as we can.
Thank you for all the answers so far and of course i will be patient and hope for the best. :)
I agree with you that this is the best way to solve this problem :)

However, your ban is not in server ban list:

] rcon listip
IP filter list: empty
L 02/10/2015 - 21:59:31: rcon from "93.86.xxx.xxx:19520": command "listip"

So maybe it is some bug? Anyway your ban should be gone with server restart, which will happen tomorrow.

Thank you for your time, and sorry for this inconvenience. We were never kind of people who would ban good players :) Thank you for coming here and posting your problem, I am glad we worked it out.

See you around!
Thank you all for your time and your answers! I really appreciate it.

When i try to join the server it says that the id is not allowed to join the server, hopefully it will work when the server is restarted as you said. If not, can i get in contact with you guys again? :)
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Linu
if its still not gonna work by tomorrow answer back here.. one of us gonna add you so we can work out the bug more precisly :P
Mrtweekify said:
Thank you all for your time and your answers! I really appreciate it.

When i try to join the server it says that the id is not allowed to join the server, hopefully it will work when the server is restarted as you said. If not, can i get in contact with you guys again? :)
Feel free to do so. Also I won't mind if you add me on Steam as well.

Off Topic : If just CoD side had this polite appeals... :D
  • L (D) i k e
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