You mouse sensitivity{COD players too]


Retired Member
May 30, 2014
post your ingame sensitivity and dpi of your mouse :P

I'll start. i use sens 4 at 400dpi. It's considered high for CSGO but I dont have a mouse pad and if I use sens. any lower then my mouse malfunctions when I swipe too fast :unsure:

COD players can post their sens too, it'd be interesting to compared
My mouse has sensivity for 3 weeks during a month. One week there is no sensivity and better keep away and stay alert xD
Same play style like hunter. I tried lower dpi but I can't really get used to it, so I changed back my settings like I used to have in swat.
400 dpi, 3.75 sens, 6/11, no accell and markc
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And another Hunter-like style with only hand moving and fingertip mouse hold. Dunno if I'm lazy to move whole arm or what ...

800 dpi, 6/11 in Windows settings, no acceleration, no raw input, in game sens is 1.6 for now, but having hard time doing 180 turns, so I'll probably move it to 1.8 or even 2.0.

In SWAT I had much higher than this, though when I started CSGO I played SWAT as well so I lowered SWAT sensitivity to fit CSGO sens and I couldn't lean properly or shoot small bursts :D
DPI 800 and sensitivity 1.16 i no mouse acceleration and i forgot other things such as raw input and so on..
I'm using raw input, but don't really know what it's good for. Generally I want to use the raw data from mouse, that's why I'm using it. But to be honest I did not notice any difference enabling/disabling it at all. So don't really know what's it good for in the end though.
Maybe someone can bring light into that, although like I said, for me personally with my equipment there is no difference at all
Ceeee said:
Who cares cookie your aim sucks dick :P
Oh yea, even with Roccat :D Shame on you kiddo.
lol, okay cee. i guess everyone is right about you being a finnish knobhead.

also, i'll say it again, i've never hacked, but even if i did i'd rather be a hacker than a finnish, racist dickhead, who nobody likes. but hey, each to their own i guess.
MMMCookiez said:
lol, okay cee. i guess everyone is right about you being a finnish knobhead.

also, i'll say it again, i've never hacked, but even if i did i'd rather be a hacker than a finnish, racist dickhead, who nobody likes. but hey, each to their own i guess.
Mkay son :lol: :D
One thing i found is that the speed of your sensitivity also depends on what surface you move the mouse on. I ve tried moving it over different surfaces(table tops, cloth, paper maybe all except a proper mouse pad :D) and I found surfaces with more resistance give you slower movement and that's almost like using a slower sensitivity.
Linux said:
In SWAT I had much higher than this, though when I started CSGO I played SWAT as well so I lowered SWAT sensitivity to fit CSGO sens and I couldn't lean properly or shoot small bursts :D
i used sensitivity 10 dpi 400 in swat4. Because its more difficult keeping tabs on the spawns and where the enemy might be I found it useful being able to do quick 180s plus the player models in swat are alot bigger and move alot slower than csgo aiming wasn't that difficult at higher sens. :D
No idea of sensitivity I use or used. 1200 dpi and mouse for 1$.
IMO, choice of sensetivity and DPI won't bring you any advantage.You can use any. Because it's only question of comfort.
I always put random. :D
Human organism is an awesome machine. Just take some time and you get used to any dpi, any sensetivity, shitty mouse, low fps, high-ping and etc. Your brain can calculate errors, providen by hardware, your muscle memory allow you to aim right in the needed pixels just in miliseconds, the fuck you even need those hardware settings? :)
Practice your mind and body - that's the key to true skill.
Zugi said:
I'm using raw input, but don't really know what it's good for. Generally I want to use the raw data from mouse, that's why I'm using it. But to be honest I did not notice any difference enabling/disabling it at all. So don't really know what's it good for in the end though.
Maybe someone can bring light into that, although like I said, for me personally with my equipment there is no difference at all
raw input will bring the windows settings to the standard 6/11. If you never touched them and they are on standard, you wont feel a difference. but if youre using a different one on windows then raw input will bring it back to 6/11 during the game.

SkandalisT said:
No idea of sensitivity I use or used. 1200 dpi and mouse for 1$.
IMO, choice of sensetivity and DPI won't bring you any advantage.You can use any. Because it's only question of comfort.
I always put random. :D
Human organism is an awesome machine. Just take some time and you get used to any dpi, any sensetivity, shitty mouse, low fps, high-ping and etc. Your brain can calculate errors, providen by hardware, your muscle memory allow you to aim right in the needed pixels just in miliseconds, the fuck you even need those hardware settings? :)
Practice your mind and body - that's the key to true skill.
I agree half wit that. especially cause human organism is so unique, everyone got his or her own playstyle. some like to move quick some like to move slow and have different style to move their arm or hand.. you need to find your own by testing out on which you feel comfortable from the beginning and not other way round by making you get used to a random dpi

and about that muscle memory: most laser mice.. (those over 3600 dpi) have mouse acceleration enabled by hardware (cause they have to.. otherwise you would have stuttering shaking and everything but not a steady aim) and this is true pain for muscle memory. You will never be able to get your muscles and your brain get used to something that depends on speed and distance of your movement. you can only develop a decent muscle memory if the distance stay the same no matter how fast your hand is moving so you can get a feel for the distance. best example is to try to close a window by clicking on the x in different speeds. you will notice the faster you try the more you will have to correct back into the other dirrection cause of your brain thinking of a smaller distance. Its like steering a boat. :D
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