You Are Gay?

yourclansadiscrace said:
It takes one member to make an entire clan look bad and you guys have it. There may be a few good guys here but the one member brought shame upon your clan and the entire Swat comunity is against you guys as of now.

I hear you are recruiting and the first question is are you gay if they answer yes you ask them to join wm.

thats why WM is the most popular and BEST clan in swat4 community . do not be jealous. BE GAY
SabbatH said:
yourclansadiscrace - don't understand that guy....

the only thing u can understand is that this guy dont have balls to post with his real name.
FiliX78 said:
the only thing u can understand is that this guy dont have balls to post with his real name.

so if he doesn t have balls then HE IS GAY :D buhahahaha