Yo Yo Guys Wassup


Jul 15, 2013
Hello everybody i want to intreduce myself to many people that dont know me yet in the community while most of the players know me well as i play in WM for more then 2 years, well iam 27 years old Lebanese guy living in Beirut i work in the telecommunications field Uplink/Downlink Stations.

Ive been playing in WM for more then 2 years grant a lot of friends here from both the WM community and the people who join the cod4 server i do play other games rarely like CS, red alert 2, NFS MW on ps3, but mostly iam a cod4 addict :P or a cod player, also i have applied to be a member in WM community and iam on trial thanks for a lot who supported me to fill an app especially idrizi, actually i really like to be one of the WM community, been here for a long time and met a lot of nice people from all around the world finally those who dont know me join the cod4 server and TS and we will meet there for sure and the ones who do ill always catch u in the server to kick some butts :D looking forward to be one of the WM Community.

SwiftyMicvey said:
telecommunications field Uplink/Downlink Stations.
I'm a researcher in the comms area myself, stuff like this is daily noise to me. I come to forum to relax and this is maybe the last place I expect to read these phrases.

now I have headache :D
Hey there! Welcome to the forums.

Feel free to add me on Xfire or Steam so we can have a chat sometimes (although I don't play CoD).
eeeey swiftaaay! welcome to the forums my friend.

now please stop the p90 you're making me mad at you :(