Yo folks


Dec 30, 2018
Hey lads! Never got a chance to actually properly introduce myself so I wanted to take some time to do so :P My ingame name's TCR(EngiTCR on the Discord) and I come from the United Arab Emirates - or Dubai. I started playing SWAT 4 in mid to late 2016 and fell in love with VIP Escort and Rapid Deployment. Although it's extremely buggy and makes me extremely frustrated to play sometimes, when people didn't take a mag or two to kill and stings weren't just special effects that did nothing to enemies standing on one, it felt awesome to play. SWAT 4 has been one of my favorite tactical games of all time other than CSS as I extremely hate Six Siege, CS:GO and have always avoided playing them, but I do have a long history of playing games practically daily(both PvP and PvE).

To tell you guys the truth, I hadn't been playing for 6-8 months and returned a couple of weeks ago to kick some more ass. I just got really annoyed mainly because of those issues, including the player model lag where a person is invisible in areas where the door is open, and you need to wait a second for them to appear(e.g Red Library MW bottom floor, suspects leaning around the corner to shoot through MW door are invisible for a second).

That's all about me for now. What I really want to say now is that I'm really grateful you guys decided to open your server again and hope you stay open for a long time now. Your clan and MYT have great rules compared to 4U, which allows for people to employ more tactics rather than rushing and dying and getting kicked for standing 2-3 seconds infront of a door. Next they'll make it so living for 2 minutes is not allowed, or banning grenades, which is pretty much telling me that I'm not allowed to play the game how it's originally meant to be played: without bullshit rules. Thanks a lot guys, and happy new year!
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: KrazyFire
Welcome to forum mate!

Now for some serious questions:
  • Do you have a sister (or even better, a brother?)
  • Do you shower in oil?
  • Size?
There will be more questions depending on your answers
Welcome to forum mate!

Now for some serious questions:
  • Do you have a sister (or even better, a brother?)
  • Do you shower in oil?
  • Size?
There will be more questions depending on your answers

  • Yes to both
  • Of course ;)
  • Size of what?
Oh that is even better. Also it won't be weird if Pig wanted to oil you up so that is great.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Linu