Xfire off on Friday. Shutdown forever.

Xf is still on? Lazy to close it? :D Or waiting for ppl to dl stuff?

By the way, I don't find this Razer Comms thing attractive at all. When it comes to chat, it has all the things Steam has, nothing special. Only that Steam has more chances to survive obviously, so... If it had serverlist or a decent group system, I would consider it, but now nah.
Everyone is using steam these days and since the majority of our active members are playing CS:GO, its the best choice for the time being. The program does look good but we already got what we need.
We announced the closure date to be June 12th, but that was for the webservers. The Xfire client services will be terminated at any day or time in the very near future
###### Personal LogBook of Keyes ######

# Day 7

: Xfire seems to be still working.
: not sure if i am dreaming
: will continue my research on that.

# end
