wtf sort your admins out plz!"!

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3 x frag perk is not allowed = You are not going to have it in the class you're playing. Admins can't trust peoples word if they say that same old excuse "I will use only one nade".

You either change class and edit the class after map is finished. Period

You speak of immature and come to cry here because you got temp banned for NOT giving a shit of warning, Idrizi gave you. Use your brains.
Rotfl :D

If you won't play on our server anymore why you come here and write that shit. Nobody will miss twat !

BB !

bad, bad idrizi, how dare you temp banning someone who doesnt obey the rules :(
jesus. i d not even ask you to change ur perks, but i d directly kick you with the reason "no 3x frag, change ur perks and /reconnect, thx"

but when ur not able to keep your calm on such a small thing, then you do not fit to our server, which is allowed for open minded people only.

have a check ar AR_51, they are made for you. And u better change ur nick, sergent rock? game is not RL dude, word.
It was a temp ban of 60 mins not off the server for 0,, I have been on your servers in the past nps at all, I only had one warning, fair enough if i missed the messages my bad, but it was late on and I obviously thought that if I did not use the other 2 x frags that I would of been ok, I was in a bad mood obviously so aired my view so be it not in the best light, but if I knew he would of banned me, I obviously wouldnt of used that class.

I did on the first warning change class, but its one of those to get challeneges done after a reinstall and lost all my gold wpns etc, and its the last assult one which is crap, as you all know, I apologise for ranting on, like I said it was late, my other classes were not as good, also I did hear a noob tube getting used and asked about this, and got the reply they are not allowed, fair enough.

I have made my point and if it is out of order from your point of view ok fair enough, I wont come back as I know it will only stir up trouble, I would look at your kick policy though, 60 mins is a bit harsh, and hence why I saw red, if I got kicked like i said out of game for 0 mins, I would of been able to change kit and jump back in.

Anyhoot no hard feelings, rant taken back and gday !!

Oh and il keep my name ive used for over 10 yrs thx ;)
well thats totally another way of talking! we have a hard policy for 3xfrags because there tends to be many smartasses so we like to state clearly that 3xfrags is not allowed. our admins are told to be polite so if u listen to them and u dnt insult them u will have no troubles at all.
an admin is always a man, when i get insulted i generally ban for a week not for an hour!
apologies accepted, have a good time on our servers
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rock said:
It was a temp ban of 60 mins not off the server for 0,, I have been on your servers in the past nps at all, I only had one warning, fair enough if i missed the messages my bad, but it was late on and I obviously thought that if I did not use the other 2 x frags that I would of been ok, I was in a bad mood obviously so aired my view so be it not in the best light, but if I knew he would of banned me, I obviously wouldnt of used that class.

I did on the first warning change class, but its one of those to get challeneges done after a reinstall and lost all my gold wpns etc, and its the last assult one which is crap, as you all know, I apologise for ranting on, like I said it was late, my other classes were not as good, also I did hear a noob tube getting used and asked about this, and got the reply they are not allowed, fair enough.

I have made my point and if it is out of order from your point of view ok fair enough, I wont come back as I know it will only stir up trouble, I would look at your kick policy though, 60 mins is a bit harsh, and hence why I saw red, if I got kicked like i said out of game for 0 mins, I would of been able to change kit and jump back in.

Anyhoot no hard feelings, rant taken back and gday !!

Oh and il keep my name ive used for over 10 yrs thx ;)
all kfs fault.
sorry but I got one warning nothing more, I dint come on for a flame war, I apologised for my initial rant, because I was kicked for 60 mins, and was a bit miffed by it, nps its over, but there is no message what i saw in my time there stating this, if i missed my bad, I dont want to come back on your server just stating my case in a civil manner instead of my rant, I did not insult your admin whatsoever, within the game usually im to busy concentrating on the game to flame like kids do, so an insult to your admin was not in the server but in my initial rant.

I am not bothered about coming into your server or not, and this is not from a smart alec reply, I only went there because it was the only one free with peeps in at that time of night, which is unusual for me, end of story its over forget it I already have.

And tbh you can ban me total, it wouldnt bother me one bit, I play to enjoy not be dictated to, I understand your policy, and appreciate it, but I will not be talked down to, just because I am unaware of it, and it was not advertised enough.

And tbh, if you do ban me you can keep it brit free, not seen one post from a uk member.
our founder and leader is scotish :) we have many uk members but whatever, we live in a free world do what ur heart tells u to
well dude, everyone is welcome to say its mind in this forum. The only thing we ask is respect. On ur first post u disrespected us, u apologized, fair enough.

we got brit members, that's nothing about country, we are an international clan and we ofc accept everyone.

The thing u should understand, like jetson said is that we kick hundred dudes a day because we don't allow martyr, noobtube, last stand, lmg spray, and especially 3x frag, because many people use it.

u know the population on the servers, i m not learning you that many guys have no clue about english or just don't give a fuck. People can say they drop only one nade, and throw another at the end of the round to make the final kill...we cannot trust the players and control it.

So we kick people at the beginning for them to change their classes according to the server rules.

We cannot spam the server rules every 10 seconds on the server, because it breaks the gameplay when u see yellow sentences appearing in ur monitor, kills the game imo...

by the end, well our server has been improved by votes of us, so its what we like. We don't force people to play init, but its a pretty popular one, and usually we manage to keep it clean.

Our admins are not actually having fun kicking or banning....but they are players, so they have no time to loose ingame arguing about our rules. So you should understand we sometimes gotta make quick decisions to keep playing and sometimes the decision is taken to move out a player who has time arguing while we don't tempban is one of the way we have for it...

once more its not by pleasure, i d like to have a bot that handle admin instead of me and let me play full time...

we also do not have interest of banning you total if u keep calm and discuss with us...why would we?
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