Worldmafia Poker Night

You say that like it's a bad thing. Besides, I didn't hear any of you complain last night! Anyway, just thought I'd do you guys a favor so you could brag about the money you took from me.
Stoner said:
Anyway, just thought I'd do you guys a favor so you could brag about the money you took from me.
Also add what stakes you'd be interested in playing or if you'd prefer a sit&go with a buy-in.
Next month is fine. I can stake a few players who are interested in playing but then you have to donate half of your winnings to WM.
Next month is fine, sit & go is also fine. 10 € is ok, chance for rebuy or go means it´s excluded?
I won´t do it without TS!
TS for sure so we can slowroll eachother and do some string betting :P +1 for rebuy option since im more of a cashgame player than a tournament one. Others wanting to participate please leave some feedback on the buy-in and rebuys allowed or not. Think there's also an option for one or two rebuys max. We could make it 5€ buy-in with 5€ rebuys if some of you are on a budget. Still offering to stake players as well (I'll pay your buy-in and you donate 50% of your winnings to WM if you end up in a paid spot) Personally I'd love to see this happening a few times a year so having 6 to 9 players for the first time would be a good start.
i'm usually against re-buy. i dont want people to just go all-in all the time. but that 5€ buy-in 5€ re-buy sounds good.