WorldMafia Apparel


Retired Member
Dec 6, 2010
Right then boys and girls,
Again some of us this year are attending the LAN event
"The-Party" last year myself and a few others went as an external team "reverse gaming" this time due to the higher number of WM members attending, we will be playing under the WorldMafia name, etc...
It's become an interest for many of us to get some apparel so either t-shirts or hoodies or something. This is going to be open to all so any input as to design ideas, places to buy and anything else will be much appreciated. Any of these items will not strictly be for the use of players attending the event so if any of you guys like the design and would like to get a Worldmafia t-shirt/hoody etc... then let me know and we can get it sorted!

P.s. I know it's going to happen but try and keep the piss taking to a minimum, try and keep it to genuine ideas because we want to get this sorted ASAP

Much love you gays
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Linu
I think a T-shirt is the best, if it looks cool I may order one, even if I won't attend that LAN event.

I prefer something simple, simple things always look better.

For example these following 2 example have too many things on them:

A more clear design like this one looks better in my opinion, boobs aside:

The design could contain our current logo (That read aim with World Mafia and the AK47). Maybe the tag |WM| could also be added, or even each players nickname -> |WM|Xavii. I guess that would make it more cool and it will be useful for meetings like this one so we can easily tell whose is each t-shirt after a proper WM orgy.

Perhaps we could add one thing somewhere to our logo, the birth year of the clan. We are an old clan and it is something we could wear proudly, just like football teams do.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Linu
I agree with Xavii. More simple = better. I'd also say T-shirt, maybe black, with our logo on front, with year of creation, and name on back. Would be cool :)

Also I will surely buy one, if it looks good :P
60 pounds for Tshirt? Let me do this Here you can have very good quality 200g/m2 (means that will not disappear after first washing :) ) for like 14 euro with stiching logo (price may very coz of stiching price). We could take polo it looks better. In fron on right chest WM nick and on back WM logo or sth like that.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Linu
Krazy got a world mafia tshirt i think. If you make him move he can show it to you guys :D
Well after seeing those pictures its not basic tshirt its like some "tshirt" football or other sports playes wear, i mean its not just cotton thing. Anyways in case you deciede for normal tshirt maybe to check this website
Polo is probably more cool than a t-shirt.

KF's t-shirt just have a little logo, nothing special at all.
I personally like the simple clean cut idea, I am also a fan of the esports stuff xavii posted and although they are a little bit more I think it may be worth it. A worldmafia meet up is a special occasion and I like to be looking fine for you boys ;)
wherever we want to buy the t-shirts, we need a big size picture or our logo and so on. Maybe we should do that first.
Xavii said:
wherever we want to buy the t-shirts, we need a big size picture or our logo and so on. Maybe we should do that first.
True. I'd say, since we do not currently have anything besides that pic on our page header, we need to wait for Pisto's (imaginary) friend?
I have many known designers, since I'm studying in architecture university. But I don't know what I could ask from them! It will be like "sup, girl, can you help? I need a logo. For a sport team, Counter strike players, you know. What? What do I want to see on this logo? Well something about shootin'n'killin. What colors? uhhh Some modern, but a bit gay, no-no, no need of pinky stars."
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Sm0k1n and Bane
ok lets have some ideas then ?
what do we want on the logo ?
what games do we include ?
do we hold any sponsors ?
Color - Well I prefer black
Logo - It can be this cross we have on header, but if we get some more ideas in meantime and new logos from Pisto, we could choose between them
Games - Well our main clan games. CoD4, CSGO, and maybe also SWAT4, afterall we started as a SWAT clan...
Sponsors - Hmm :D KF's wallet ?
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Sm0k1n
I think logo could be RED and WHITE like the one above. So it would look cool in a black/dark t-shirt (Polo or whatever), it could also have some red lines or details.

nicknames on white at the back.

I dont think games need to be added.

I don't think we would get any sponsor.