

Jan 30, 2014
Hi there People from the SWAT section probably know me. For the others. Hi Im SiberianHusky and are 25 yo!
I live in sweden and work as teacher teaching in math and biology in high school (students age is 16-19 sort of).
I have a very long history of gaming. First time i joined a clan was in warcraft 3. I have allways ended up as a high ranking member in all clans and guilds (only exception is ND where i wanted a low profile).
I have been guild leader for 120 ppl in WoW, leader in wc3 clan focusing on a dota style game where we were the best clan in EU. And you guys probably know this but I am/was one of the leaders in KL (high council) and played in pretty many of our wars. Worst result we had (when i played) was a draw vs WM =)

So i consider my self pretty much a hardcore gamer.
Atm the game i love the most is Natural selection 2 which is awsome =D
So I hope you guys know me a bit better by reading this.

Feel free to ask questions here or on xfire.
My xfire username is "Devinae"
My steam name is SiberianHusky but i think you will find it if you search for "Devinae"

another scandinavian...! no offence mate ull get to understand that later on ;)
for now welcome on board!!

question: do u have any sisters?@xavii :D
Bla bla bla show better the pictures of girls that you are making in school's girls shower. We heard that u have a hole made from teachers room and u keep there camera.
uGa said:
Bla bla bla show better the pictures of girls that you are making in school's girls shower. We heard that u have a hole made from teachers room and u keep there camera.
Just to tease you horny boys some.
All my students are females cuz the high school has horsecaring as a main subject.
But for the love of god i cant understand how anyone would want to be near them cuz they are so immature and childish =X
Maybe just me growing old?
oink oink emo, u need to start stalk me on LoL again :P
SiberianHusky said:
All my students are females cuz the high school has horsecaring as a main subject.
19 years old chicks u have and horsecaring :) You are in Heaven Bro :)
  • L (D) i k e
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Girls that love horses are so out of world I feel U man, my best friend's gf has 2 horses, she is stupid as fuck and also all her friends of the horse circle!

Cmn ceee dnt be harsh on me! U make me suffer
I am jelly about your northern lights. i wanna see them once. may you help me out on that?

No welcome until you showed them to me :D
hello and welcome,anyone else like me want to be horse to take him care some school girls..hahahah
yo dude, do you know the tv mini-series "första kärleken" (1992) and where to find it? :wub:
JetsonRay said:
lol whats that??
it's a film i think i watched as a kid. it means "first love". it's about two boys who fall in love with a deaf girl.