
Honorary Member
Mar 3, 2008
Yesterday the VIP Tournament hosted by ESA clan ended and WM came victorious !

It lasted from the beginning of November till 15th of December (1,5 month). 10 teams took part. In group stage we played against SOA (WIN 8:0), XT (WIN 7:1), ESA (TIE 3:3) and MYT (WIN 4:1). We finished at top of group B with 7 points. In the semifinals we won against JF (3:2) and in the final we beat Cartel (3:2). Both games were close and thrilling till the last round.

I wanna thank all WM members which took part in this great event. You all showed great team spirit and high level of game play. This tournament was not an easy walk but still after 5 months of inactivity we were able to reach the 1st place. WM POOOWAAA !

Also Congratz goes to Cartel (2nd place), JF (3rd place) and ESA (came 4th).

Big thank you goes also to:

- ESA for making the tournament happen and providing the Forum and 2 servers to play on
- Rugi for providing a low ping German server
- All refs who took there free time and were on the server during the games
- All teams who took part in the tournament

Also as WM we thank our hardcore fans from swat4 community FaceBook page who were very supportive, had faith in our abilities and encouraged us to play better :D

With UAC3 closing in 2014 we are not sure about future tournaments. Time will tell...

Till next time :)

Party !!! :D


I like my kebab served in victory sauce (C) stoner
But still PG had best inidividual players. (after win vs Cartel) (C) Michal
Good job guys!

As I always say WM is not the best because of winning A tournament. WM is the best for being always a TOP Swat VIP mode clan in which for around 8 years have always a big number of great skilled players to play a war and have a fun time together.

Members that participated in this tournament showing great skills and team spirit:
- Sabbath
- Michal
- Keyes
- Rugizugi
- Pistolero
- Howlinpelle
- Bunny
- EmoPig
- Ben
- Charfire
- Krazyfire
- Xavii
- Stoner
Sonny's reaction before and after the tournament:

Please unban him so he can give us an explanation as to pg's unlucky failure and our extreme luck over the whole tournament.
EmoPig said:
Sonny's reaction before and after the tournament:

this guy looks like jetty with hair :D

anyways, congratulations guys, keep it up :D
I can't see my pic with hair :(

WM the best! Maybe the next tournament could be organized by our swat section?
Well jetson i would like to arrange rd cup but unfortunatly uac3 will be off since 1 january 2014 :/
Michal said:
Well jetson i would like to arrange rd cup but unfortunatly uac3 will be off since 1 january 2014 :/
Even thou I always joked with U on uac3 that's a very bad news for swat players. Inst there any other anticheat program that could replace uac3 keeping the same level of protection?
Once again congratulations WMs :) I'm not even mad that we've lost against you in semis. It was very close and skilled match.. :)