well when the radiator is out of water engine starts to get hotter n hotter n some plastic parts can start burning...if the oil started burnong out of tge cylinder the car would explode...he has been lucky! if it was me when i would see the flames coming out of the engine i would fuckin start run away as fast as i can!
i would eat along, reincarnated as a newborn baby zebra my name would change from Crazy Salmon to Loco Zebra (which is actually an old nick of mine, just like [DAIS], TxiLc, Sissy'saL, namername, [BSB]Nick Carter ([BSB] =BackStreetBoys) , [NOI]Kanye West ([NOI] = Niggers on Ice]), why do i tell you all this? because im bored son.. im fucking bored! why do i call you son? because im filix' grandpa, your father and raiden great grandfather)