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Oct 14, 2013
Hi all World Mafia,i would let you know this story.

im not here for be victim or something. Just let you know.

I think you know the problems that i have with BOBZ, but maybe cuz i havent be a lot present last week, he stops to annoying me.

Then today GODS starts where BOBZ stop with the same behaviour.

I tell you, and i can give you screen if you want, the story of today. 7/9/2014 almost 21.45 (or you can read logs)

i was playing when i got warned for dont following the objective (rule 10); then i ask reason of that.

Gods start say (with his words) that i didnt move and i die on same position. a thing that is not true cuz i was attempting to move. Remember that i i become last man, i kill him and i be killed (all in 10 sec) and if i waited 5sec more is because i knew where was the player who kill me and i have more than 1 minutes remaining for do the obj.

So after i explain him my reasons, and i tell him that i was not in the same position and i was moving he warns me again for rule 3 not arguing with admins.

than i tell him, "ok so dont talk to me". from when answer him is arguing with admins?? bah.

after that i being 15 sec afk cuz i was typing a sms, after i start playing again he give me another warning for being afk cuz of course he want tempban me even i was come back to play (15 sec afk for type sms is afk?!!?) after he give me the 3rd warning i ask in chat "?" e didnt answer and let the b3 tempban me.

I think this is very immature.
When time pass you can join again. B3 give the time no gods so peace mate..
I was the one who warned you for afk actually, not gods. i came into the server, you was afk most of the round, i warned and you got a temp ban via b3. So less of the blaming Gods and his behaviour.

Try sticking to the rules in the server.

Next time someone temp bans you is it going to be them annoying you for no reason??

Its always you....
Ok red October after I gave you the 2nd warning I checked your aliases then found it was you I never gave you the third warning and tbh you were arguing and being a cock so do yourself a favour and please don't answer back any admins then you wont get warned for it. Like I said I never temped banned you so wind your neck in am sick of your stuff and complaining you didn't move then when the other admin gave you your final warning you were afk in spawn facing a wall I specced.
From a previous post in this section. A statement by red october.

"hey all sorry for my behavior, i was talking to jetty and i promise i will change attitude on the server, but please unban me and give me a temp ban instead. i understand i was doing a wrong thing. sorry"

Why is it that the admins are getting blamed when he clearly has form for it??
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