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Feb 26, 2013
why i was banned on your Server??
I play for a long time on your Call of Duty HC Server and have never done anyting!
no can not remember. i was playing 2-3 hours and i was banned..:(
hope this is the right number: 40f22b922dd5f73cbe1eb742fc3e2107
playername: |Global|
Well you got bans on both PBBans and GGC, so ill assume you got banned for hacking. You have to wait until the admin who banned you replies. Most likely tomorrow
but i´ve been playing for over 1 year on your server without difficulty...on the pro-mod server i can play, too....i dont understand!
p.s.: my english is not the best;) ther must be irreversible
ik global long time since i start play cod4 4 years or more,allways correct fella never though he hack...
I've watched his gameplay too since I started to play on WM servers and never have been eniugh sure about any hacks.

If the admin won't reply here vefore I'll get home from work, will check the logs
I checked logs
2013-02-27 00:08:48 ryu@Hardcore Server: pb_sv_ban 16 "wh" //Username=|Global| IP= (DE)
So let's wait for Ryu
I was playing too when he banned you, he told me you followed him through the wall and he was pretty sure you hack, i switched to you then to spec you and you killed another guy pretty weird (literally 5 secs after ryu told me), you looked at him directly through the wall, tho he was almost next to you and you could hear him aswell, but i dont see why you would look directly at the wall and give up any visuals you have.

Maybe you have a pretty weird behaviour of listening to sound but that looked weird imo
In case you haven't noticed, I listen like that too... Pointing at some spot in a wall for couple of secs(many times towards where the sound is coming) while listening, then start to move again. Hard to explain but for me at least, it belongs into my play style and whoever says to me about that "You use wallhack" I say: Get brains. If that would be the explanation for the accuse :D

Like I said before, I've played for months on HC server and many many times with Global online + have watched him as well with undercover nicks many times but never seen anything what is enough to ban for wallhack... + Sound knows Global from 4 years back too and never banned.

And no, can't judge Ryu´s decision at least yet :D

Nevertheless Global you should get a new GUID.
that would be ridiculous. on the per-mod server I can play, but not the HC server ...

I can hear very well with my headset and wallbang is still allowed. yes also make other
Ceeee said:
In case you haven't noticed, I listen like that too... Pointing at some spot in a wall for couple of secs(many times towards where the sound is coming) while listening, then start to move again. Hard to explain but for me at least, it belongs into my play style and whoever says to me about that "You use wallhack" I say: Get brains. If that would be the explanation for the accuse :D
Got to agree with that i do the same thing sometimes and people always get mad at me for doing it. Like faf does. It entertains me.
well asking why u have been banned is the first mistake u do...u perfectly know why cause it was written on ur monitor "admin decision, reason : wallhack".

i know you for a long time, didn't need to spec you, u always been average player with no special skills, and yesterday i saw you aim me through a wall clearly all my run until u see me...there was a smoke next to you so u couldn't hear nothing but a pchhhhhhhh...i told alex to watch you and u directly followed another dude through a wall also...it was so obvious on the killcam that i was considering ur trying cheats for the first time and don't even try to hide it...like a hack beginner...anyways, there is the reason of my ban, i won't change my mind about it. if you guys wanna give him a second chance i don't really care, but i know what i saw ;)

+ Ceee i also got a very nice senheiser headset, and i do point dudes through walls sometimes, but u cannot follow them exactly, sometimes u miss their sound so u gotta re-adjust it, there was a very fluent move, full of knowledge
Ryu said:
+ Ceee i also got a very nice senheiser headset, and i do point dudes through walls sometimes, but u cannot follow them exactly, sometimes u miss their sound so u gotta re-adjust it, there was a very fluent move, full of knowledge

Hmmh. Easy to follow if you can hear but I guess he couldn't? + How can Alex see that he "directly" followed some other dude through wall? :rolleyes: You guys have wallhack as well and checked it out with that? :lol:

Global: Get a new GUID, ban stays.
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